
Opinions July 21, 2021

7th Circuit Court of Appeals

City of Fishers, Indiana v. DIRECTTV
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson.

Civil. Affirms the Southern Indiana District Court’s abstention under the teachings of Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc., 560 U.S. 413 (2010) from a case brought by several Indiana cities against Netflix and other video streaming platforms alleging they owe the cities past and future franchise fees under an Indiana statute. Finds the district court properly abstained and that it did not err by applying the Levin abstention factors.


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7th Circuit ruling expands ministerial exception, potentially impacting Indiana high school cases

Shelly Fitzgerald and Lynn Starkey, former guidance counselors at Roncalli High School, and Joshua Payne-Elliott, a former foreign language and social studies teacher at Cathedral High School, all filed separate lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis after they were all terminated from their jobs because they are in same-sex marriages. This month’s decision from the 7th Circuit in Demkovich v. St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, 19-2142, could change the trajectory of each of those cases.

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Opinions July 20, 2021

Indiana Court of Appeals
In Re: The Paternity of B.G.H.; Kelsey Morrison v. Aaron Harmon
Juvenile paternity. Affirms the Delaware Circuit Court’s orders in a paternity action involving Kelsey Morrison and Aaron Harmon that determined Indiana was a more convenient forum than Michigan; awarded the parties joint legal custody of their son, two-year-old B.H.; awarded father parenting time in Indiana on alternating weekends; and ordered father to pay $85 per week in child support. Finds the Delaware Circuit Court did not err or abuse its discretion. Judge Elizabeth Tavitas concurs in result with separate opinion.

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Opinions July 19, 2021

The following 7th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion was posted after IL Deadline on Friday.

Peggy Jo Smith v. Professional Transportation and Ronald D. Romain
Appeal from United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Evansville Division. Judge Richard L. Young.

Civil. Vacates the Southern District Court’s summary judgment order in part and remands with instructions to permit Peggy Jo Smith’s individual claims to proceed against Professional Transportation Inc. Finds that the district court erred by refusing to allow Smith to proceed on her individual claims and that she is entitled to proceed individually, regardless of what happens to the collective action.

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Opinions July 16, 2021

Indiana Court of Appeals
Carl Eugene McDonald v. State of Indiana
Criminal. Dismisses in part, affirms in part, reverses in part. Finds Carl McDonald may not challenge on direct appeal the validity of his convictions for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person with a passenger less than e18 years old, a Level 6 felony; three counts of Level 6 felony neglect of a dependent; operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, a Class C misdemeanor; and for being a habitual vehicular substance offender. Also finds that the Cass Superior Court abused its discretion in sentencing McDonald but that remand to the trial court is only necessary so that the HVSO enhancement may be attached to a specific felony. Dismisses McDonald’s double jeopardy claims without prejudice so that they may be brought through a petition for post-conviction relief. Remands with instructions to correct the abstract of judgment.

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Opinions July 15, 2021

Indiana Court of Appeals

Stephen M. Davis v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.)
Criminal. Affirms Stephen M. Davis’ sentence to five years executed in the Department of Correction for his conviction of Level 5 felony attempted overpass mischief. Finds the Madison Circuit Court did not abuse its discretion when it sentenced Davis. Also finds Davis’ sentence is not inappropriate in light of the nature of the offense and his character. Judge Elizabeth Tavitas concurs in result with separate opinion.

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