
Trump meets with Supreme Court candidate

President-elect Donald Trump has met with one of the judges on his short list for potential Supreme Court nominees, less than two weeks before he is expected to announce his choice for the nation's highest court.

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2016 Year in Review

From law school troubles to new court initiatives, take a look back at the top stories in Indiana Lawyer this year.

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If Clinton wins, more in GOP say no to 9 on Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has existed with its full complement of nine justices for close to 150 years, no matter who occupied the White House. Now some Republican lawmakers suggest they would be fine with just eight for four years more rather than have Hillary Clinton fill the vacancy.

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Sotomayor: US Supreme Court still feeling loss of Scalia

The U.S. Supreme Court continues to deeply feel the loss of Justice Antonin Scalia eight months after his death, and his empty seat makes it harder for the surviving eight justices to do their job of resolving some of the country's most vexing legal questions, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said Monday.

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Law professor calls for Selby to be confirmed to 7th Circuit

With the U.S. Senate adjourned until after the presidential election and the chances for judicial confirmations dwindling, an article just published by a Virginia law professor calls for former Indiana Supreme Court Justice Myra Selby to be appointed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Clinton says she may not choose Garland for Supreme Court

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she wouldn’t be bound by President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, hinting that she would consider a bolder choice if she takes office in January with the seat still unfilled.

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