Indiana Court of Appeals finalists chosen
The governor has two months to name successor to Judge Carr Darden.
The governor has two months to name successor to Judge Carr Darden.
The names of three finalists for a judgeship on the Indiana Court of Appeals have been sent to Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels for his review and selection.
Marion Superior Judge Robert R. Altice Jr., public defender Patricia Caress McMath and Madison Circuit Judge Rudolph R. Pyle III have been chosen as finalists for the Indiana Court of Appeals.
The five semifinalists for the Indiana Court of Appeals will have their second round of interviews the afternoon of June 4.
A consumer protection official, a public defender, two judges and a law professor are semifinalists for a position on the Indiana Court of Appeals.
Applications are being accepted through June 22 for two bankruptcy judge positions in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.
After a day of interviews, the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has picked the five people who remain in the running to become a Court of Appeals judge.
Four trial judges and 10 attorneys have indicated they would like to be the next Indiana Court of Appeals judge.
Sullivan’s departure marks the Indiana Supreme Court’s third vacancy in two years.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has announced its timeline for selecting the replacement for Judge Carr Darden, who is retiring this summer from the Indiana Court of Appeals.
Justice Frank Sullivan will leave the Indiana Supreme Court to teach business law and corporate finance at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.
On Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard’s final day as a member of the Indiana Supreme Court, Gov. Mitch Daniels named Mark S. Massa, a former state and federal prosecutor, as the state’s newest justice.
Gov. Mitch Daniels has chosen Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Director Mark S. Massa as the state’s newest Supreme Court justice.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels wants to move quickly on appointing the state’s next Indiana Supreme Court justice. He has already met with the three finalists who are vying for that position.
Gov. Mitch Daniels will select next justice from a pool of two men, one woman.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has selected Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Cale J. Bradford, Indianapolis attorney Mark S. Massa, and Jane A. Seigel of the Indiana Judicial Center as finalists for an upcoming Indiana Supreme Court vacancy.
The percentage of women in the semi-finalist group to be the next state justice decreased as compared to the state’s population.
Four men and three women have been named semi-finalists to become the next Indiana Supreme Court justice.
Fifteen people have applied to be the next Indiana Supreme Court justice, the high court announced Friday. They are vying to replace Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard, who will leave the bench March 4.