Deadline set for Tax Court judge applications
Anyone interested in being the next Indiana Tax Court judge has just about a month to apply for that position.
Anyone interested in being the next Indiana Tax Court judge has just about a month to apply for that position.
When comparing his past two jobs, Judge Thomas G. Fisher admits that he finds stories from his prosecutor days more interesting
than those in the past quarter century when he’s presided over the state’s appellate tax court.
The state’s first and only judge of the Indiana Tax Court, Judge Thomas G. Fisher, announced today he is stepping down
from the bench Jan. 1, 2011.
Indiana is at the heart of a legislative discussion about the future of the federal judiciary, and debate about a judge's
controversial nomination is coming to a head this week.
The governor has appointed Barbara L. Cook Crawford as the newest Marion Superior judge. She will replace former Marion Superior
Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court’s Southern District of Indiana in June.
A look at those whoĆ¢??ve been finalists in the past 25 years and their positions or titles at that time.
The governor must choose among two judges, one appellate attorney for next justice.
Twenty-five years ago, choosing an Indiana Supreme Court justice was confidential.
Two trial judges and an appellate attorney have emerged as finalists for the Indiana Supreme Court, but one those three almost
didn’t make it to Indianapolis for the second interview on Friday. Story includes video clips from the interviews.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has completed its work.
Now, it’s up to Gov. Mitch Daniels to decide who’ll be the next Indiana Supreme Court justice.
One set of interviews remain before the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission goes into a closed-door meeting to deliberate
which three names should be sent to the governor to decide who will be the state’s next Supreme Court justice.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has picked Boone Circuit Judge Steven David, Marion Superior Judge Robyn Moberly,
and Bingham McHale attorney Karl Mulvaney as finalists for the next Indiana Supreme Court justice.
Interviews for the newest justice are Friday. Indiana Lawyer will be covering the semi-finalist interviews with
updates throughout the day.
Nine attorneys remain in the running to be the next Indiana Supreme Court justice after a seven-member commission narrowed
down a list of nearly three-dozen applicants earlier this month for the court opening.
More than 50 people have applied to become the next magistrate judge in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.
The Indiana Supreme Court has released the interview times for the nine semi-finalists for the justice position opening up
this fall.
Anyone interested in being a federal magistrate for the southern part of Indiana has until Wednesday to apply for that position.
By the end of the day, the seven-member Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission will decide who to bring back for a second
round of interviews for the state’s next Supreme Court justice.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has chosen nine semi-finalists for the upcoming vacancy on the Indiana Supreme
One by one, attorneys are appearing before the seven-member Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission to explain why they should
be the next Indiana Supreme Court justice.