
Breyer mum as some liberals urge him to quit Supreme Court

With spring comes the start of the period in which many justices have announced their retirement from the United States Supreme Court. Some progressives say it is time for Justice Stephen Breyer to go, without delay. Other liberal voices have said Breyer, the oldest justice, should retire when the court finishes its work for the term, usually by early summer.

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Letter to the editor: Proposed changes to merit selection may prove judicious

Your publication recently printed an article discussing the Indiana State Bar Association’s objections to Indiana Senate Joint Resolution 16. The bar association’s complaint about SJR 16, and the slant of the article, is that the resolution proposes to “strip” Hoosier voters of the power to retain Indiana appellate court judges and Supreme Court justices. I do not believe that complaint is well-founded.

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McDermott: Lake, St. Joseph judiciary bill raises questions

The undeniable truth is that there is a long legislative history in this nation of powerful majorities diminishing and silencing the voices of minorities. While I have no reason to believe the motive of the current judicial selection legislation for Lake and St. Joseph counties is racial, this law will undoubtedly have a disproportionally negative effect on citizens who happen to be racial minorities.

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Finalists for St. Joseph Superior Court resubmitted to Holcomb

Gov. Eric Holcomb has been presented a second time with the same slate of nominees to fill a vacancy on the St. Joseph Superior Court, potentially curing an injunction that had blocked the governor’s appointment after a local commission member sued, claiming two fellow members were ineligible.

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Kirsch confirmed to 7th Circuit

Thomas Kirsch II has been confirmed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on a 51-44 vote in the U.S. Senate. Kirsch succeeds Amy Coney Barrett after her confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.

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