Sheriff wants to use trailers to solve jail overcrowding
A central Indiana sheriff has a novel solution for jail overcrowding: lock inmates up in semi-trailers next to the jail in Greenfield.
A central Indiana sheriff has a novel solution for jail overcrowding: lock inmates up in semi-trailers next to the jail in Greenfield.
After two marathon days questioning Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, senators concluded his confirmation hearing Friday by listening to others talk about him — friends stressing his fairness and warmth but opponents warning he’d roll back abortion rights and shield President Donald Trump. Senators on the Judiciary Committee are likely to vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation on Sept. 20 with a vote by the full Senate the following week.
The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a man’s sentence was not inappropriate in light of his character and found the trial court didn’t err in calculating his credit time. The panel found the man failed to provide compelling evidence for both arguments.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will travel south next week to hear oral arguments in two cases involving convictions following the seizure of drugs and guns.
The Indiana Court of Appeals reiterated harsh words at the Department of Child Services and Indiana trial courts after reversing another case involving a failure to afford due process protections to families in termination of parental rights cases.
A proposed workplace-benefits settlement of more than $13.3 million for Federal Express drivers who were wrongly classified as contractors rather than employees has been approved by an Indiana federal judge overseeing a nationwide docket of employment suits against the delivery service.
A First Amendment lawsuit alleging Indiana’s Charter School Acts violates certain religious protections will no longer proceed after a district court judge found the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the Establishment Clause complaint.
Catholic dioceses around Indiana are preparing to celebrate the traditional Red Mass in coming weeks. Special receptions will follow each service and feature keynote speakers discussing an array of topics of interest to the legal community.
The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a post-conviction court’s ruling after it found a special judge erred when he granted his own motion to correct error based on his belief he did not have the authority to accept an agreement between the defendant and the state.
Post-conviction relief was revoked from a man convicted of murder and sentenced to 141 years in prison after the Indiana Court of Appeals found res judicata barred him from making a claim for relief.
An attorney for a 13-year-old boy accused of shooting a classmate and teacher at their suburban Indianapolis school said the teen will admit to carrying out the attack during a November hearing.
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation tumbled into highly charged arguing Thursday over whether key documents were being withheld, and one Democrat risked Senate discipline by releasing confidential material. A newly disclosed email revealed that President Donald Trump’s pick once suggested Roe v. Wade was not settled law.
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill has signed onto another multi-state Supreme Court amicus brief, this one challenging a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that allowed a retaliatory arrest lawsuit to proceed against Alaska police officers despite probable cause supporting the arrest.
An Amish couple with 13 children sued the federal government on Wednesday, accusing officials of violating their constitutional rights by insisting that they provide photographs of themselves before the Canadian wife’s request to become a permanent U.S. resident can be approved.
Senators will launch a final round of questioning of Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday, but after a marathon 12-hour session, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court appears to have avoided any major missteps that could trip his confirmation.
A Marion County man convicted of six drug, firearm and money laundering charges has lost his appeal before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which found no constitutional violation in the length of the traffic stop that led to his arrest.
Judges across Indiana will mark the 231st anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution on Sept. 17 by visiting schools and sharing with students the importance of the nation’s founding legal document.
A broken elevator at the Miami County Courthouse in Peru has caused problems for months for people who can’t make it up three flights of stairs to pay taxes or get to court hearings.
A man suspected of beating a 60-year-old man who subsequently died of a heart attack during an apparent road rage attack in Fort Wayne has been formally charged with involuntary manslaughter.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley attempted to gavel in the second day of hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Wednesday when shouting protesters began disrupting the hearings. Grassley said 70 people were arrested during the first day of hearings on Tuesday.