

Ball State prof tackles controversial SCOTUS libel decision in new book

It all began in September 1962, when Atlanta insurance salesman George Burnett was accidentally connected to a phone call between University of Georgia athletic director James Wallace “Wally” Butts, Jr. and legendary University of Alabama coach Paul “Bear” Bryant. Burnett's record of the call led to a controversial U.S. Supreme Court libel decision that is the basis of a new book by Ball State University professor emeritus David Sumner. 

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COA finds warehouse not liable for cargo-related deaths

An Indianapolis-based warehouse facility has been cleared of liability in a tractor-trailer accident that killed three and injured one after the Indiana Court of Appeals found the warehouse had neither a contractual nor a common law duty to the victims.

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Supreme Court makes legal sports betting a possibility

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a federal law Monday that bars gambling on football, basketball, baseball and other sports in most states, giving states the go-ahead to legalize betting on sports. Indiana was among the states pushing for the decision.

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Appeals court orders Yorktown clerk-treasurer’s removal

The Indiana Court of Appeals has ordered the removal of the Yorktown clerk-treasurer from office after determining that her failure to properly reconcile the town books for four consecutive years warranted her removal. In response, the elected office holder has pledged to take her case to the Indiana Supreme Court.

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Court reverses doctor’s $1M defamation award against CVS

An Indianapolis doctor awarded $1.025 million in defamation damages against CVS after a federal jury trial lost it all Thursday when the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision. The panel ordered a new trial on greatly reduced claims for damages.

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Appellate court upholds contempt finding against mother

A Marion County mother was unsuccessful in her attempt to seek relief from an order finding her in contempt of court for interfering with her ex-husband’s parenting time, with the Indiana Court of Appeals finding she failed to develop a cogent appellate argument.

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Porn star’s lawyer says Russian paid Trump attorney Cohen

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer said Tuesday he has information showing that Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney, received $500,000 from a company associated with a Russian billionaire within months of paying hush money to Daniels, a porn star who claims she had an affair with Trump.

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Southern Indiana federal court film nominated for 2 Emmys

The documentary about the federal courts in Indiana produced to mark the Southern Indiana District Court’s bicentennial in 2017 has been nominated for two Emmy Awards by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Lower Great Lakes Chapter.

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