
Hendricks Regional, Hall Render face $50M lawsuit over failed deal

A lawsuit against Hendricks Regional Health and an Indianapolis law firm representing the hospital group alleges they used “malicious, oppressive, willful, wanton, and/or reckless conduct,” conspiring to squelch a competitor’s deal to operate 23 Indiana care facilities after Hendricks’ contract was terminated.

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Supreme Court limits reach of tax crime statute

The Supreme Court is making it harder for the federal government to use a section of the tax law to convict someone of a crime. The court Wednesday limited the application of a statute that the government had interpreted to give it a broad ability to charge someone with obstructing or impeding the work of the Internal Revenue Service.

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COA rules for landlocked landowner in easement dispute

A Crawford County landowner is entitled to an easement by necessity across adjacent land owned by a property company because the sale of the land in question severed the unity of ownership and left the individual landowner without access to a public road, the Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled.<

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Indiana Court Decisions — March 1-14, 2018

7th Circuit Court of Appeals March 2 Civil Plenary — Noncitizen Transgender Name Change John Doe, formerly known as Jane Doe v. Eric Holcomb, in his official capacity as Governor of the State of Indiana, et al. 17-1756 A Mexican native with asylum in the United States cannot continue with his suit against various Indiana […]

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Disciplinary Actions — 3/21/2018

The Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission brings charges against attorneys who have violated the state’s rules for admission to the bar and Rules of Professional Conduct.

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School threats can lead to severe consequences for juveniles’ impulses

A sampling of recent incidents includes a 12-year-old boy arrested for writing a threat against his classmates at Greenfield Intermediate School; a teenage girl at Austin High School arrested and charged with juvenile delinquency/intimidation for making threats to “harm others”; and a 17-year-old boy arrested and charged with felony intimidation for writing a threat on a bathroom stall at F.J. Reitz High School in Evansville.

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