
Justices question teen’s LWOP sentence at oral arguments

In Indiana, only five juveniles have been sentenced to life without parole. Now, the fate of the fifth juvenile rests with the justices of the Indiana Supreme Court, who must decide whether the teen’s act of shooting and killing another 17-year-old rises to a level of offense that warrants spending the rest of his life behind bars.

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Judge faces legal quagmire in teen texting suicide trial

A juvenile court judge now finds himself at the center of a legal quagmire: Should he set a legal precedent in Massachusetts by convicting young woman of manslaughter for encouraging another teen to take his own life through dozens of text messages? Or should he acquit her and risk sending a message that her behavior was less than criminal?

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Health chief, 4 others charged with manslaughter in Flint

Five people, including the head of Michigan's health department, were charged Wednesday with involuntary manslaughter in an investigation of Flint's lead-contaminated water, all blamed in the death of an 85-year-old man who had Legionnaires' disease.

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COA again rejects Evansville’s gun-in-park suit appeal

A man who sued the city of Evansville after he was forced to leave a park after police spotted him carrying a firearm may proceed with a lawsuit seeking damages and treble attorney fees under a statute that bars municipalities from regulating firearms.

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