
COA: Man’s actions waived right to speedy trial

An Indiana man convicted of multiple felony drug charges lost his appeal of his lack of a speedy trial because his actions, including his failure to object to a later trial date, waived his right to such a trial, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Friday.

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Debt collection lawyer hit with $25M judgment

A Houston lawyer specializing in lawsuits against consumers for old debts has been slapped with $25 million in civil penalties by a Harris County jury that found he uses deceptive trade and debt collection practices.

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7th Circuit: Retired veteran can’t sue government for distress

A retired veteran who was wrongfully deprived of incapacitation payments during his time in the reserves cannot sue the U.S. government for distress caused by that deprivation because existing caselaw prohibits servicemembers from suing the government for injuries accrued while in the military, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.

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