
Reversal: Trial court ordered to revisit CHINS petition

An Indiana trial court imposed an “inappropriately high” burden on the Department of Child Services to prove a presumption of a child in need of services situation, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Friday in an opinion ordering the trial court to revisit the CHINS petition.

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Tax Court affirms board’s valuations of Bloomington CVS store

In a case involving the same litigants, attorneys and issues previously raised by the Monroe County assessor and CVS corporation, the Indiana Tax Court has affirmed the Indiana Board of Tax Review’s final determination as to the assessed value of a CVS store in Bloomington.

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Bloomington files lawsuit over last-minute annexation amendment

The city of Bloomington has filed a lawsuit against Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, claiming an amendment dropped into the state’s biennial budget at 2 a.m. April 21 and approved less than 24 hours later is specifically targeting the municipality to prevent it from annexing seven unincorporated areas near the city limits.

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COA affirms convictions in nursing home burglary scheme

The Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed a man’s various felony theft and burglary convictions after finding there was sufficient evidence to prove he broke into the dwelling of nursing home residents and stole narcotics worth more than $3,000.

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Bosma Enterprises files lawsuit over VA contracting changes

Indianapolis-based not-for-profit Bosma Enterprises and other advocacy groups for the blind on Wednesday sued the Department of Veterans Affairs in federal court, alleging the agency ignored a long-standing law when it changed contracting rules that have been used for decades to give jobs to the visually impaired.

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