Holcomb appoints 2 trial court judges
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has appointed two trial court judges, replacing judicial officers who were elected to new judgeships last November.
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has appointed two trial court judges, replacing judicial officers who were elected to new judgeships last November.
Bankruptcy filings in federal courts continue to fall, but the rate of decline is slowing.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has picked the three finalists for the Indiana Supreme Court. The three, all judges, are seeking to replace Justice Robert Rucker, who will retire next month.
Finding substantial evidence supporting a regulatory body’s ruling, the Indiana Court of Appeals denied an attempt by Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana to overturn approval for a utility rate hike.
The Indiana Court of Appeals, after finding the language of the habitual offender statute doesn’t support either the defendant’s or the state’s interpretation, reversed the denial of the defendant’s objection to his habitual counts and ordered the trial court to review the matter.
Discovery materials protected in Indiana courts under a protective order cannot be used in litigation between two brothers in Greece, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Wednesday.
A trial court did not properly determine whether a woman had the ability to pay fees owed after being convicted of a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge, so the Indiana Court of Appeals ordered the case back to the trial court. The judges also ordered her conviction reduced based on the evidence presented at trial.
The Supreme Court of the United States signaled Wednesday that it will decide an important case on the separation of church and state in favor of a Missouri church that wants state money to put a soft surface on its preschool playground.
A man who drove too fast and was given an electronic speeding ticket failed to convince the Indiana Court of Appeals that all signatures are not the same.
In possibly the first opinion issued since the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals found Title VII does provide protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation, a 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has declined to reach the same conclusion.
With the interview process complete, Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Judicial Nominating Commission are now tasked with selecting three people to be considered as the next justice of the court. Interviews with the 11 semifinalists wrapped up Wednesday morning.
Retiring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Robert Rucker will assume senior judge status after he leaves his seat on the state’s highest bench next month.
An Indianapolis City-County Council panel Tuesday evening unanimously approved a measure that would allow the city to be reimbursed with future bond proceeds for expenses related to the planned community justice campus.
Summary judgment was prematurely granted to a Clarksville homeowner sued by his neighbors for allegedly violating the neighborhood’s restrictive covenants, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday.
Six of the 11 semifinalists who applied to fill Justice Robert Rucker’s seat after he retires next month sat for their half-hour interviews with Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Judicial Nominating Commission Tuesday.
In a dispute between neighbors, the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a private property owner had to allow part of his land to be used to give access to a tract of land owned by a business.
The Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library is asking a judge to rule quickly on the legal dispute over its failed move to Massachusetts Avenue in Indianapolis, fearing the not-for-profit could run out of money before the case is resolved.
County government officials in Indiana are considering closing satellite courthouses in three cities.
Indiana Legislators raised several concerns Monday afternoon during the conference committee for House Bill 1036, which establishes merit selection for choosing Marion Superior judges. Several expressed the need to allow the general public to have a say through elections.
Law student Diego Wu’s dream job is working as a law clerk in a judge’s chambers, but he never dreamed of what judges told him they look for when they evaluate candidates for those typically one- to two-year positions.