
Justices consider PCR waiver in death penalty case

After a public defender failed to secure a statutorily required signature on Kevin Isom’s petition for post-conviction relief, Isom, a convicted murderer who has been sentenced to death, lost confidence in his legal team. He refused to provide his signature after the error was discovered, vowing not to sign unless he was appointed new counsel.

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Senate committee extends for $1 pro bono filing fee

A bill extending the $1 additional civil filing fee to support pro bono programs sailed through a Senate committee Wednesday despite a discussion about the possibility of allowing Marion County small claims courts to keep the filing fees they collect for themselves.

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COA vacates arbitration award for lack of agreement

The Indiana Court of Appeals vacated an arbitration award Thursday after determining that an arbitration agreement did not exist, thus making the arbitration proceedings between a Lake County couple and an automotive company pointless.

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COA considers liability in sheriff’s office suicide case

After the wife of a Harrison County sheriff’s deputy killed herself with her husband’s gun while he was off duty, the sheriff’s office and her estate began debating a single question: was the deputy acting in the line of duty when his wife committed suicide?

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Adopt-A-Doll brings cuteness to courtroom

Most of the child-related cases heard in Clark Circuit Court No. 4 are grim. Judge Vicki Carmichael is accustomed to tales of neglect, abuse and troubled juveniles. Saturday’s court docket brought something entirely different — children with smiles on their faces clasping dolls and stuffed animals in front of the bench.

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