
Curry reflects on 4 years of Richmond Hill prosecutions

More than four years after an intentional home explosion killed two south-side Indianapolis residents and damaged dozens of nearby houses, Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry said reaching the end of the emotional legal battle is gratifying.

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Trump University settlement filed for judge’s review

Lawyers for Donald Trump and former students of his now-defunct Trump University filed an agreement in court to settle lawsuits alleging that the president-elect defrauded them, signaling that a deal announced last month remains on track for a judge's approval next year.

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Indiana clerk who refused same-sex marriage license loses lawsuit

A southern Indiana deputy clerk who was fired after she refused to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple lost her civil-rights lawsuit against the county clerk. Her suit claimed religious discrimination on the basis of her avowed Christian belief that same-sex marriage is “against God’s law,” which is “above legal law.”

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