
Judges: Parents, courts need guidance on discipline

The Indiana Court of Appeals upheld a man’s conviction for battery against his daughter on Wednesday but expressed concern over the lack of guidance courts are given when trying to determine when parental discipline goes too far.

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Trump suggests ‘consequences’ for any flag-burners

President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday that anyone who burns an American flag should face unspecified "consequences," such as jail or a loss of citizenship — a move that was ruled out by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly three decades ago.

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ITT Chapter 7 bankruptcy fallout

The student records are only one aspect of this bankruptcy. There are employee records, pension benefits, 401(k) retirement funds plus lawsuits previously filed by federal agencies and some states’ attorneys general.

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7th Circuit dismisses appeal based on waiver

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed a convicted murderer’s appeal arguing that the waiver of his right to appeal should be ignored because his sentence was outside statutory requirements, calling the man’s argument “undesirable” and “nonsensical.”

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Ceremony honors graduates of St. Joseph County Veterans Treatment Court

Six former military members graduated from the veterans court during a special ceremony Nov. 21 at the courthouse in South Bend. Judges, attorneys, relatives and other veterans watched as the group of men received certificates for completing the program and congratulatory handshakes from veterans court Judge Steven Hostetler.

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