
Indiana Supreme Court takes 4th Amendment case

The Indiana Supreme Court took two cases on transfer last week, including whether a police officer was within his community caretaker function when he pulled over a woman after she left a gas station.

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Justices reinstate father’s parental rights

A trial court’s findings do not “clearly and convincingly support” its decision to terminate a father’s parental rights to his son based on it being in the best interests of the boy. In fact, the findings show that the father and son have a bond and often spend time together, the Indiana Supreme Court found Tuesday.

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State fighting birth certificate ruling

Married same-sex female couples who challenged Indiana’s refusal to recognize the non-birth mothers on their children’s birth certificates reiterate that they want to be treated in the same manner as heterosexual couples – no more, no less. The state, which intends to appeal a ruling finding Indiana's paternity statutes to be unconstitutional, is first asking the judge to take another look at her ruling.

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Man loses challenge to robbery being a violent felony under ACCA

A man serving 15 years for drug and gun charges thanks to three prior convictions of robbery in Indiana could not convince the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals that robbery under Indiana law involving only the fear element isn’t a violent felony under the Armed Career Criminal Act.

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Sides in Russell estate case seeking settlement

Attorneys in the estate case of deceased Celadon Group Inc. co-founder Steve Russell say they're hashing out a settlement, a move that would cease the high-profile wrangling over his $31 million estate and curtail estate losses from legal fees.

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Emails heat up lawsuit over sale of Pacers stake

Attorneys for the IRS have gotten their hands on an email that appears to buttress their case that Herb Simon received a sweetheart deal when he acquired his ailing brother Mel’s 50 percent ownership in the Indiana Pacers in early 2009, just a few months before Mel died at age 82.

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