
Pro se inmate wins appeal of sentence modification

An inmate’s pro se legal briefs arguing for a modification of his 70-year drug sentence impressed the Indiana Court of Appeals, who granted him another chance to make his case that he deserves leniency as a model prisoner who made the best of his time behind bars.

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Murderer deprived court record gets new shot at relief

A man convicted of killing a female co-worker whose skeletal remains were found in a Johnson County marsh was denied an opportunity to use the court record to plead his counsel was ineffective as he sought post-conviction relief, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Friday.

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COA affirms probation revocation

A man failed to persuade the Indiana Court of Appeals that revocation of his probation on a drug charge was barred by the doctrine of res judicata because his placement in community corrections had already been revoked.

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Judge thinks cop convicted of murder deserves new trial

A 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge dissented from his colleagues’ affirmation of an Evansville police officer’s murder and arson convictions, believing the evidence presented by the state doesn’t support that the man started the fire at his ex-lover’s house.

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Split COA tosses robbery convictions pegged to cellphone data

A divided Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that cellphone users have a reasonable expectation to the privacy of their location information that’s tracked and collected by phone service providers. The majority’s holding reversed armed robbery convictions of an Ohio man found guilty of holding up two Dearborn County liquor stores.

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COA senior judge reprimanded for OWI conviction

The Indiana Supreme Court reprimanded Indiana Court of Appeals Senior Judge William Garrard Wednesday, agreeing with the parties that this is the appropriate sanction for his recent operating while intoxicated conviction.

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