
COA majority rules dog sniff did not prolong stop

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a woman’s motion to suppress evidence found at a traffic stop in a 2-1 decision after the court ruled the stop was not extended by an officer’s check of the car with his dog.

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Evidence found during arrest for public intox is admissible, COA rules

The Indiana Court of Appeals upheld a man’s misdemeanor cocaine possession conviction after it held the search an officer conducted after finding the man asleep in his car did not violate his Fourth Amendment rights and thus the trial court did not abuse its discretion by admitting the cocaine found during the search.

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Majority: 2 shoplifting charges not RICO violations

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled in a split decision the state went too far when it convicted a man who committed two acts of shoplifting under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and reversed his conviction for corrupt business influence.

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Supreme Court hears arguments in threat case

The Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments Thursday morning on whether to grant transfer in a case on the question of whether an arrestee’s statement could be considered a true threat because there is no evidence that the officer felt threatened by it.

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COA: Minors’ malpractice suit can continue

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled a medical malpractice lawsuit filed by minor children can continue after it found the suit was not untimely filed. The children were in the correct age range to trigger an exception in the Medical Malpractice Act.

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Whitley County judge bound for Guantanamo

Whitley Superior Judge Douglas M. Fahl soon will be far from his courtroom in Columbia City. A major in the Indiana National Guard Judge Advocate General Corps, Fahl has been called to active duty and will be heading for a judicial post at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

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7th Circuit affirms judgment for employee on ADA claim

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed judgment for an employee who claimed the city of Anderson did not accommodate his disability when it fired him for not having a commercial driver’s license he could no longer get because of his diabetes.

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VW settlement could return $66M to eligible Hoosiers

More than 6,600 Hoosiers who bought certain Volkswagens or Audis designed to defraud diesel emissions tests may receive cash compensation, have their cars bought back or their engines modified. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller announced Tuesday that restitution for eligible Indiana consumers could reach $66 million.

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