
McConnell: Senate won’t vote on Obama SCOTUS pick

Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell said Tuesday his party won't permit a vote on any Supreme Court nominee submitted by President Barack Obama and will instead "revisit the matter" after the presidential election in November.

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Lawsuit could upend civil forfeiture in Indiana

A new challenge to Indiana’s civil forfeiture process does not seek to end the practice altogether but its attempts to stop the flow of money into local law enforcement coffers could, ultimately, halt the seizure of property in the state.

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15 justice semifinalists remain

Nine judges, four lawyers in private practice, a state lawmaker and a state attorney are semifinalists to replace Justice Brent Dickson on the Indiana Supreme Court. Thirteen men and two women from every region in the state will return for a second round of interviews next month.

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Scalia remembered as personable, intellectual

Supreme Court of the United States Justice Antonin Scalia was remembered as an intellectual judge who had a profound impact on the nation’s highest court, but also as friendly and personable in one-on-one conversations by Indiana judges and attorneys who had interactions with him.

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Black lawmakers oppose Marion County judge selection bill

A proposal to create a 14-member merit-selection commission to nominate Marion Superior judges would harm minority representation on the bench of the state’s largest county, members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus said in a statement Monday as the bill awaited second reading on the House floor.

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7th Circuit dismisses appeal due to waiver

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a man’s  appeal of his 21-month sentence and three years of supervised release because he waived his right to appeal in district court. Circuit Judge David Hamilton said the court didn’t see any reason to overlook the waiver.

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Interviews conclude for Supreme Court applicants

The last of 29 applicants for a pending vacancy on the Indiana Supreme Court were interviewed Friday by the Indiana Judicial Nomination Commission, which is deliberating to reduce the number for a second round of interviews. Those semifinalists are to be announced Friday.

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