
Attorney general sues 7 accused foreclosure relief scammers

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller filed lawsuits Wednesday against seven companies for allegedly operating fraudulent mortgage rescue or loan modification schemes, scamming Hoosiers out of more than $14,000 in fees. The suits are a part of a nationwide sweep against foreclosure relief scammers.

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Summary judgment proper on issue of causation, COA rules

The Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed summary judgment in favor of a doctor sued by a patient who claimed a delay in a diagnosis caused him to have increased pain and problems. The evidence doesn’t establish a genuine issue of material fact on the issue of causation.

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Man can be charged for failing to register in 2 counties

The Indiana Court of Appeals has ordered a trial on a charge of failing to register as a sex offender in Vanderburgh County, ruling that a man can be charged in that county even though he pleaded guilty to failing to register in a different county based on the same move.

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Gay couples’ lawyers object to full-court hearing

Attorneys on either side of a lawsuit over Wisconsin and Indiana's overthrown gay marriage bans are wrangling over how many federal judges should hear the states' appeal, a technical issue that could make a big difference.

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COA upholds father’s $1,419 weekly child support obligation

In affirming the trial court’s decision to increase a father’s weekly child support obligation to four times the amount he and his ex-wife initially agreed to, the Indiana Court of Appeals asked the Supreme Court to determine how Indiana Code 31-16-8-1 should be interpreted.

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Fired DOC counselor’s sex-discrimination claim revived by 7th Circuit

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a former Department of Correction substance abuse counselor’s lawsuit alleging sex-discrimination and hostile work environment, finding she was treated differently as compared to the employee she had an affair with while working at a maximum-security prison.

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COA splits over whether pat down after traffic stop was justified

A majority on the Indiana Court of Appeals concluded that a trial court abused its discretion when it denied a man’s motion to suppress drug evidence found on him after police pulled him over for failing to signal a turn. But the dissenting judge believed the arresting officer had sufficient reason to think the defendant might be armed and dangerous during their encounter.

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