
Judges reverse convictions due to Batson challenge error

A Marion County trial court erred when it overruled a man’s Batson challenge contesting the state’s use of a peremptory challenge to strike an African-American juror, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Wednesday. The appeals court overturned Tyrece Robertson’s convictions and ordered a new trial.

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Man’s expungement petition properly denied, COA rules

Because a Marion County man admitted to violating the terms of his probation twice, he cannot meet the requirements of the expungement statute, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday, so the trial court properly denied his petition to expunge his conviction.

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Judge upholds 2009 tax year exemption

The Indiana Tax Court rejected the Hamilton County assessor’s claim that a for-profit limited liability company created to purchase office space for its nonprofit tissue donation company should not qualify for a charitable purposes exemption for the 2009 tax year.

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Court rules in favor of fraternity in lawsuit following assault

The Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed summary judgment in favor of a fraternity whose members lived in a Terre Haute private residence where a man visiting for a party was assaulted. The victim claimed the fraternity should be liable because members of the college chapter lived at the home and had some chapter items at the residence.

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Judges reverse woman’s resisting law enforcement conviction

Opening a police officer’s car door and refusing to place one’s feet inside the car are not acts constituting forcible resistance, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. The judges reversed a Miami County woman’s conviction of resisting law enforcement.

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Seizure of man’s clothing from hospital not unconstitutional

A detective’s seizure of a bag of clothing worn by a man who was shot – and later considered a suspect in a murder – and the admission of that clothing into evidence did not violate the man’s federal or state constitutional rights, the Indiana Court of Appeals concluded Thursday.

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Kentucky ruling prevents Indiana court from addressing claim

Because the principles of full faith and credit required a Clark Circuit court to consider the judgments of a Kentucky court involving the default of promissory notes on property in Kentucky and Indiana, there was no error by the Indiana court in granting a bank the right to foreclose.

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COA finds Yellow Book ad contract induced by fraud

A heating and cooling company does not owe Yellow Book for a contract it tried to break after finding the publication didn’t change the terms of the contract as promised, the Indiana Court of Appeals held. But, the heating and cooling company is on the hook for two other contracts it had that it failed to fully pay.

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