
Lawsuit challenges ‘guns in the workplace’ statutes

A Carmel attorney has filed a lawsuit claiming a Morgan County security company has violated laws that prohibit most employers from asking whether an employee owns, possesses, uses or transports firearms and from preventing employees from having a gun locked up and out-of-sight in their vehicles.

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Chief justice approves master jury list

Indiana Chief Justice Brent Dickson has signed off on the 2013 master list for jury pool assembly. The Judicial Technology & Automation and Jury committees merged data from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Department of Revenue to create the list. Any obvious duplicate information, errors or nonqualified persons were removed.

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Court reduces $1.4M judgment in dispute over work done at Honda plant

The Indiana Court of Appeals has found that Greensburg-based Custom Conveyor Inc. is only entitled to recover about a tenth of the original $1.4 million awarded to it on breach of contract and warranty claims the company made against a subcontractor regarding work on the Indiana Honda plant.

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Appellate court upholds life sentence

Duane Turner will spend the rest of his life in prison for murdering a Ball State student in 1994. The Indiana Court of Appeals rejected his claims that his sentence was unconstitutional and that his attorney was ineffective.

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Malpractice complaint hinges on claim of apparent agency

The Indiana Court of Appeals concluded Wednesday that a Bartholomew Superior judge did not err in denying partial summary judgment on the issue of whether two physicians working as independent contractors were the apparent agents of Columbus Regional Hospital.

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Judges find evidence properly admitted in drug case

North Manchester resident Michael Carpenter lost his attempt before the Indiana Court of Appeals to have evidence tossed out that was collected when police officers arrived at his home attempting to serve an arrest warrant for a different man. Police believed the man being sought lived at Carpenter’s residence.

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Justices deny transfer to 7 cases

The Indiana Supreme Court decided not to add any cases to their docket last week. The justices declined transfer to seven cases, including a lawsuit filed by a grandmother against her former attorney because he didn’t sue her grandson’s school.

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Supreme Court amends Indiana rules

The Indiana justices have issued several orders amending the rules of court. Among them is a change that allows the Disciplinary Commission to seek reimbursement from attorneys who have resigned or been disbarred.

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Wentworth, Avery appointed to Pro Bono Commission

Indiana Tax Judge Martha Blood Wentworth has been appointed by the Indiana Supreme Court as chair of the Indiana Pro Bono Commission. Allen Superior Judge David Avery has been appointed vice-chair, the Supreme Court announced Monday.

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Judge sanctions Weinberger for noncooperation with insurer

A federal judge in Hammond has entered a default against former ear, nose and throat doctor Mark Weinberger and other defendants for their noncooperation with his medical malpractice insurance company regarding hundreds of pending malpractice claims.

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