
Federal judge rules against environmental groups in I-69 suit

The two environmental organizations challenging the construction of Interstate 69 in southern Indiana lost in federal court Tuesday. The lawsuit filed by Hoosier Environmental Council and Citizens for Appropriate Rural Roads dealt with the stretch of the interstate from Washington, Ind. to Scotland, Ind.

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7th Circuit reverses ACCA enhancement

Based on a sparse record of evidence that the District Court could consider in determining whether a man can be sentenced under the Armed Career Criminal Act, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals found the government didn’t meet its burden to prove two of the man’s previous convictions from events on the same day were separate predicate offenses under the Act.

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Chief justice appoints 2 to rules committee

Indiana Chief Justice Brent E. Dickson has appointed Lake Superior Judge Calvin D. Hawkins and Muncie attorney Perry Gregory Cross to the Indiana Supreme Court Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure.

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Man not entitled to disability benefits

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals was sympathetic to a man’s medical condition but affirmed the decision by an administrative law judge that he’s not disabled is supported by the evidence.

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Darden retirement ceremony July 25

The Indiana Court of Appeals will celebrate Judge Carr Darden’s 18 years of service at a retirement ceremony July 25. Darden is leaving the court because will turn 75 Saturday, the age of mandatory retirement. He will continue to serve as a senior judge.

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Judges send teen’s emotional distress case back to trial court

The Indianapolis teenager who saw his deceased mother’s remains being dragged out of their apartment on a mattress because she was extremely obese will have his claim for damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress against the coroner and city heard by the trial court.

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Interviews for Supreme Court opening continue

The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission continued interviews Wednesday with the 22 candidates vying to replace retiring Justice Frank Sullivan Jr. The interviews concluded around noon, and the commission will narrow the list this afternoon to those who will be interviewed a second time in August.

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Tests not required to disprove arrestee intoxication

In a case of first impression, the Indiana Court of Appeals rejected a woman’s argument that the Indiana Code requires law enforcement personnel to evaluate if there could be other reasons a person is displaying signs of intoxication before arresting her for public intoxication.

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