
COA affirms judgment for bank in replevin action

The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld summary judgment for a bank in its attempt to repossess a motorcycle, finding that while the purchasers of the motorcycle had an interest in it, their interest was not superior to the bank’s perfect security interest.

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PACER fees increase Sunday

The fee for electronic public access through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records System increases to 10 cents per page April 1.

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COA adopts Restatement (Third) of Torts Section 14

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court in concluding a new trial is warranted to determine allocation of fault in a man’s murder. At issue is the percentage of fault to allocate to a criminal defendant and his former employer.

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COA rules in favor of DOC employee

The Indiana Court of Appeals has found the trial court should have granted summary judgment to a Department of Correction employee on a man’s claim that he was personally deprived a liberty interest when the DOC refused to remove his name from the sex offender registry.

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Judges uphold public intox conviction

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a man’s public intoxication conviction, finding police had reasonable suspicion the man was intoxicated, and evidence is sufficient to support the conviction.

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COA upholds drug conviction

The Indiana Court of Appeals rejected a man’s argument that his charges should be dismissed or he deserved a mistrial, finding sufficient evidence to support his dealing in cocaine conviction.

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Judges reduce sentence

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reduced the sentence of a defendant who used brass knuckles to injure a couple and then struck a victim’s father with his car, finding the 11-year sentence was inappropriate in light of the offenses and the defendant’s character.

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Court splits over sentence modification

The Indiana Court of Appeals was divided over whether a man could challenge his sentence following a guilty plea. One judge maintained that the defendant did not consent to his illegal sentence.

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Burglary conviction was impermissible double jeopardy

Because some of the facts establishing the elements of a Class A felony burglary conviction also established all of the essential elements of the Class B felony burglary conviction, the Indiana Court of Appeals ordered one conviction be vacated due to double jeopardy.

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Court upholds finding woman isn’t totally disabled

Because a woman failed to seek appellate review of the decision by the Worker’s Compensation Board of Indiana that she was not permanently and totally disabled, she waived any claim of error related to that decision, the Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled.

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Judges: injuries from crash on public road not covered

The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld a decision by the state worker’s compensation board that denied a security guard’s claim that a car accident on the way to work happened in the course of his employment and should be compensated.

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Comment sought on bankruptcy rule

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Indiana is seeking public comment concerning a proposed change to the court’s local rules.

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