
COA: post-conviction proceedings not equivalent to civil proceedings

The Indiana Court of Appeals has held that a post-conviction court isn’t required to accept any proffered agreement from a defendant because that type of proceeding isn’t the same as a civil hearing and the Indiana Supreme Court has given local judges final authority in accepting or denying agreements.

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Super scheduling

Law firms and courts in Indianapolis work to ensure smooth operations during Super Bowl week.

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New suit filed protesting immigration law

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund has filed a lawsuit on behalf of La Union Benefica Mexicana, a nonprofit organization in East Chicago, protesting two previously unchallenged portions of Indiana’s new immigration law.

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Judges find eviction was allowed

The Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled that M&I Bank was allowed to evict two residents of a home that had been foreclosed because they were leasing and the bank had become owner in a sheriff’s sale.

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Supreme Court upholds unemployment insurance decision

The Indiana Supreme Court has upheld a Department of Workforce Development decision denying a woman her claim for unemployment insurance benefits after she was terminated for being unable to perform the required skills of her job.

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Court reinstates man’s direct appeal

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reinstated the direct appeal of a LaPorte County man convicted of felony robbery and attempted robbery in 2004, finding that he should not receive a new trial for receiving ineffective assistance of appellate counsel the first time he tried to challenge his convictions and sentence.

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Justices uphold Indiana robo-calls ban

The Indiana Supreme Court has held the state can continue enforcing a ban on automated robo-calls, with four justices finding that enforcement does not violate the Indiana Constitution’s free speech rights.

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