
Appeals court affirms sending employee appeal back to agency

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the grant of a fired Department of Correction employee’s petition for judicial review, finding that it was clear on the record that an administrative agency’s action was without evidentiary foundation. The appellate court noted the difficulty the judge had in conducting the judicial review due to deficiencies in recording testimony.

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Volunteers needed for pilot program

The United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana is looking for law offices and firms to volunteer for an electronic civil case opening pilot program. Electronic civil case opening lets attorneys file new civil and miscellaneous cases via the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system instead of in paper form at the clerk’s office.

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COA: Suit against sewer district isn’t a public lawsuit

The Spencer Circuit Court erred in finding a lawsuit filed by property owners challenging the requirement they connect to a new sewer system is a public lawsuit and the property owners must pay $9 million in bond to proceed with the suit, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday.

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Court rules on duty of care for healthy trees in residential areas

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reiterated its stance that urban or residential area landowners have a duty to take reasonable precautions regarding their own trees, healthy or otherwise, and make sure they don’t harm a neighbor’s property based on the size and where they are planted.

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Indiana joins suit against for-profit college company

Indiana has filed a joint complaint in a whistleblower suit against Education Management Corp., which alleges the for-profit college company and two of its subsidiaries received more than $12 million in state financial aid after making false claims and misrepresentations to the state.

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7th Circuit upholds mail fraud convictions

Although it found the evidence presented in a mail fraud case “thin,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals viewed it as enough to send the case involving three Calumet Township Trustee’s Office employees to the jury.

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Scott County joins statewide CMS

Scott County is the latest county to become connected to Odyssey, a case management system that has slowly been implemented throughout the state.

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Lawyer can argue for cost-of-living adjustment for increased fees

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that an attorney that successfully represented a client in a Social Security disability benefits suit should be allowed to make a request for a cost-of-living adjustment that would exceed the maximum $125 per hour that can be awarded under the Equal Access to Justice Act.

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UPL victims urged to claim refunds

The Office of the Indiana Attorney General is asking the victims of the United Financial Systems unauthorized practice of law case to apply soon if they want to receive restitution.

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Bankruptcy filings drop

The number of people filing for bankruptcy around the United States has decreased as compared to the same time last year, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.

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COA applies sports injury conduct rule

Less than three months after the Indiana Supreme Court issued a decision about sports injury cases, the state’s intermediate appellate court is now applying the new rule regarding how liability should be determined.

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