
Medicaid applicants facing ‘tremendous hurdles’?

When filing a claim for Medicaid disability benefits, the process sounds straightforward: Complete an application that includes all disabilities that would make the case that you deserve the benefits. If your application is deemed sufficient by a Medicaid Medical Review Team, you get the benefits. If not, you receive a one- or two-page letter that includes information about how you can appeal.

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Judicial selection process has no formula

Selecting a new Indiana Supreme Court member is a transparent process until it reaches the governor, and then the action moves behind closed doors and the legal community is left holding its collective breath until learning who will be the state’s next justice.

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Boone Circuit Judge Steven David to succeed retiring Justice Theodore R. Boehm

Judge Steven H. David said he would have been content staying in his job as Boone Circuit judge for the rest of his legal career. But he took a chance, overcoming an initial doubt that he should apply for an Indiana Supreme Court opening and ultimately rising to the top of 34 attorneys and judges to become the state’s 106th justice.

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Court reaffirms 3-step test for in camera review

The Indiana Court of Appeals doesn’t believe that its previous ruling regarding the in camera review of an organization’s documents relating to alleged molestation victims sends the message that it’s “open season” on the records of victim services providers.

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Appellate court finds lawsuit brought in bad faith

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled today for a fifth time on a contentious family dispute over the estate of deceased parents, affirming a small claims court judgment in favor of two of the siblings for damages and fees against their brother and his wife.

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Indiana gets new federal magistrate

For the first time since the early 1980s, the Southern District of Indiana has gotten approval to hire a new full-time federal magistrate. The U.S. Judicial Conference, which is the policy-making arm of the federal court system, approved during its annual fall meeting on Tuesday the Indianapolis-based magistrate spot along with three others throughout the country.

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Lawyer-legislator’s attacker on trial

The man accused of attacking a lawyer-legislator last year because of a 23-year-old legal dispute is on trial in Hamilton Superior Court, facing multiple felony charges and potentially 100 years or more in prison.

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Supreme Court preps for lineup change

The Indiana Supreme Court will soon see its first lineup change in more than a decade, and as that turnover approaches, the state’s highest appellate court is mostly conducting business as usual.

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New approach to foreclosure prevention successful

Courts around the state have experienced more success with a new approach to settlement conferences utilizing facilitators – who interact directly with borrowers and lenders – than past attempts to find alternatives to foreclosures.

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