
Candidacy issues in Allen, Lake counties

During an afternoon of heated debate about election law, a state commission kept a controversial incumbent judge on Allen County’s ballot despite arguments he should be disqualified while it essentially pulled another judicial candidate off the Lake County ballot in a challenge involving how the political process put him into the race.

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Defendants in will contest must timely answer

In an issue of first impression, the Indiana Court of Appeals has held that a will contest is a civil action and a defendant in this type of action is required to file an answer or plead to a complaint as provided by the state’s trial rules.

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Landlord not responsible for dog bite

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed summary judgment today for a landlord who was sued by a postal carrier who was bit by a tenant’s dog that had escaped from the property. The judges declined to find that by entering into a lease, a landlord establishes a relationship to a tenant’s dog.

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Disagreements plague Camm case

Attorneys in the high-profile David Camm case in southern Indiana disagree about where to pull jurors from for a third murder
trial and whether the original prosecutor can continue on the case.

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Appeals court hears back-pay arguments

Attorneys argued before the Indiana Court of Appeals on an appeal of a Marion Superior judge’s award of more than $42 million to a class of thousands of current and former state employees wanting to recover back pay for unequal wages earned between 1973 and 1993.

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Guardians program fulfills need

To help address the need for guardians for patients of a northwest Indiana hospital, Lake County Judge Diane Kavadias-Schneider – with others in the court and with permission from Indiana Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard – worked on a guardianship program that involved temporary volunteer guardians.

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7th Circuit upholds Indiana’s judicial canons

At a time when the legal community is caught up in controversies about how judges are selected and whether they can remain
impartial, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has weighed in on that national debate and ruled that states have the authority
to self-regulate on those issues as it relates to judicial canons.

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Indianapolis Bar Association forms PAC

The Indianapolis Bar Association may be the first statewide or nationally to create a plan aimed at combating judicial campaign-contribution
concerns on the heels of a landmark court ruling last year.

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