
Suspended LaPorte judge acquitted at trial

A suspended LaPorte Superior judge has been acquitted of any criminal charges involving an accidental shooting where her
head was grazed by a bullet and led to accusations that she tried to cover up details about what happened.

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Justices: Man not required to register

A Grant Superior judge erred in sentencing a man to register as a sex offender because that requirement wasn't in place at the time he committed his crime, rule the Indiana Supreme Court. Justices ruled Jan. 6 in the case of Gary M. Hevner v. State of Indiana, No. 27S02-1001-CR-5, which follows last year's decision […]

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AG files suit against suspended city judge

Attorney General Greg Zoeller filed suit Dec. 18 in Knox Circuit Court against non-attorney Bicknell City Judge David Andrew
Moreland, who’s charged with five counts of Class D felony theft that was discovered during an audit by the Indiana State
Board of Accounts in August. The former judge and his wife, Cindy, who served as city court clerk, are accused of stealing
nearly $21,000 since he became city judge Jan. 1, 2008. The Indiana Supreme Court suspended Judge Moreland in…

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COA to hear arguments at IU-Indy

The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments at an Indianapolis law school in a man's appeal of his convictions of resisting law enforcement and battery on a police officer. Judges Paul D. Mathias, Terry A. Crone, and Elaine B. Brown will hold arguments at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Wynne Moot Courtroom at Indiana […]

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Suit filed after statute of limitations end

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed summary judgment for a company that purchases and collects charged-off credit card debt, ruling the statute of limitations prevented the company from going after a delinquent consumer.

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Class not certified in suit against lawyer

A federal judge denied a motion for class certification in a suit filed under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act against an Indianapolis attorney. However, he did suggest the plaintiff file another motion for class certification for two separate groups.

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COA upholds eviction action

A trial court properly treated a couple's action against the man who agreed to purchase a house from them
as an eviction, the Indiana Court of Appeals concluded. The court also analyzed for the first time the nature and effect of
a pre-closing possession agreement like the one in the instant case.

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