
Harrison County joins Odyssey

Harrison County is the latest county to be added to the Indiana Supreme Court Odyssey Case Management System. The Harrison Circuit and Superior Courts and clerk's office joined the system online Monday.

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COA reverses 4 attempted robbery convictions

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed four convictions of attempted robbery after finding the evidence didn't support a reasonable inference that the defendant intended to rob each of the alleged victims.

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Justices rule on casino land-ownership dispute

A land-ownership dispute about an Ohio River riverboat-casino docking site is the subject of an Indiana Supreme Court ruling today, touching on land deeds from the 1800s and who had the right to use and give away ownership of less than an acre of land.

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Law school reject sues to take bar exam

An Indianapolis man is suing the state Supreme Court justices and Board of Law Examiners because he believes he should be able to take the bar exam even if he didn't go to law school.

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Majority affirms conviction despite no witnesses

An appellate judge dissented from the majority's decision to uphold a woman's conviction of operating a car after her driving privileges had been forfeited for life, finding that confirming her conviction would break from precedent.

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AG objects to East Chicago settlement

The Indiana Attorney General has filed an objection to a City of East Chicago deal with Second Century, a for-profit company that has received casino money, that would settle a lawsuit between the parties.

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FMLA leave doesn’t accrue hours for benefits

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed an Indiana District judge's decision that an employee on family medical
leave doesn't accrue those hours for benefits and can be fired for violating attendance policies.

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Judges find stop violated Fourth Amendment

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a defendant's stop by police and subsequent search of a wheelbarrow he was pushing – which led to convictions of burglary and theft – violated the man's Fourth Amendment rights. The Circuit Court ordered the defendant's petition for habeas corpus be granted.

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Justices reaffirm precedent on worker’s comp claims

The Indiana Supreme Court has upheld a decision by the state Worker's Compensation Board dismissing an injured trucker's claim, finding the employee's settlement with a third-party driver voided whatever responsibility the company had on the issue.

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Case involving President Harrison to be performed

Benjamin Harrison Day will be celebrated as part of the Indiana Supreme Court's Courts in the Classroom program with two historical depictions of the Ex-Parte Milligan case on Tuesday at the Indiana Statehouse at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

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High court takes tax issue

The Indiana Supreme Court granted transfer Thursday to a property-tax exemption case which depends on whether the real property is owned or predominately used for religious or charitable purposes.

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7th Circuit: Officer entitled to qualified immunity

Because Indiana's conversion statute doesn't appear to have an implied-consent defense, the 7th Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled a couple's excuse for possessing another person's camping gear was irrelevant to the probable-cause
determination to arrest them.

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Indiana soldiers refile suit against contractors

Members of the Indiana National Guard have refiled a toxic exposure suit against Texas contractors in a Houston federal court. The suit, originally filed in Indiana federal court in 2008, was dismissed in February for lack of personal jurisdiction.

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Governor appoints 2 city court judges

Gov. Mitch Daniels appointed two city court judges on Monday, filling openings left by recent resignations in Lawrenceburg and Nappanee. One is an attorney and the other is not, allowed because state law doesn't require city or town court judges to have a legal degree. The governor named non-attorney C. William Myers to the Lawrenceburg […]

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