
High court rules in favor of AG in casino case

The Indiana Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the state's attorney general in a suit for constructive trust and unjust enrichment against a for-profit corporation receiving contributions from a casino, finding the trial court erred in dismissing the claims.

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COA visits high school to hear arguments

The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis Wednesday to hear arguments in a case involving an off-duty police officer who was in an accident in her patrol car. Judges L. Mark Bailey, Cale J. Bradford, and Paul D. Mathias will hear Fort Wayne Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and Michaeline Jones […]

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Plea puts stop to federal death penalty trial

The first-ever federal death penalty trial for the Southern District of Indiana was set to start today, but a plea agreement means a trial likely won't be happening at all for a man connected to a violent killing spree four years ago.

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Animal cruelty an exigent circumstance

Ruling on the issue for the first time in state courts, the Indiana Court of Appeals decided animal cruelty rises to the level of exigent circumstances to permit a warrantless search of curtilage. The decision came in a man's appeal of his dog fighting convictions.

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Adkins applies to drug possession defense

While the Indiana Court of Appeals unanimously agreed a defendant charged with possessing drugs within 1,000 feet of a school only has the burden of placing the issue of statutory defense in question where the state's evidence hasn't done so, the court split in affirming the defendant's possession conviction.

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Circuit Court vacates drug sentence

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a man's drug conviction, but vacated his sentence because it wasn't confident the District Court judge properly sentenced him.

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Insurer must provide underinsured coverage

An insurance policy that doesn't provide uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage to all insureds is contrary to public policy based on Indiana statute, affirmed the Indiana Court of Appeals.

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Deputy prosecutor fired after arrest

A deputy Madison County Prosecutor has been fired following her arrest for allegedly driving drunk. Deputy Prosecutor Janine L. Sutton was arrested for operating while intoxicated, a Class A misdemeanor.

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Judge orders shutdowns of plant units

A federal judge in Indianapolis has ordered the shutdown of three units at a Terre Haute coal-fired power plant because of clean air violations committed almost two decades ago.

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Counties test expanded protective order registry

Eight Indiana counties will be the first to use the state's expanded electronic protective order registry. The expansion is a result of a partnership between the Indiana Supreme Court, law enforcement, clerks, and domestic violence groups.

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COA: Just running red light not reckless

Ruling on the issue for the first time, the Indiana Court of Appeals held that not stopping at an intersection cannot, without more evidence, constitute criminally reckless conduct and establish a prima facie case.

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