
Trial judge’s comments spur COA reversal

Because of a trial judge's statements following the conviction of a man for having a gun in a controlled area of an airport, the Indiana Court of Appeals reversed the conviction for insufficient evidence.

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Opinion examines history of Fireman’s Rule

After delving into the history of caselaw involving Indiana's Fireman's Rule, the Indiana Court of Appeals determined a couple's complaint against an Indianapolis strip club is barred by the rule.

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U.S. judge sanctions Indianapolis law firm

A federal judge has sanctioned an Indianapolis law firm that employed a few attorneys he says helped abuse the discovery process, failed to correct misleading or false statements made by its client, and didn’t properly turn over to the court or opposing counsel key documents relating to an environmental contamination case out of Southern Indiana.In a 66-page order issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Larry McKinney in the Southern District of Indiana determined that Bose McKinney & Evans should be sanctioned for…

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High court grants 2 transfers

The Indiana Supreme Court granted transfer to two cases Jan. 29, one involving statements given to police and the other whether a man's trial counsel was ineffective.

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COA: Government vehicle exclusion is void

The Indiana Court of Appeals concluded today in a matter of first impression that the government vehicle exclusion in underinsured motorist policies is void as against public policy.

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COA splits on cheek-swab requirements

A split Indiana Court of Appeals ruled taking a cheek swab for DNA testing requires reasonable suspicion only, not probable cause, under federal and state constitutions.

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Supreme Court takes Fireman’s Rule case

The Indiana Supreme Court granted transfer today to case involving the Indiana Fireman's Rule and whether a policeman's suit against an Indianapolis strip club is barred by the rule.

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eBay suit presents issue of first impression

In an issue of first impression in Indiana – and possibly in the United States – the Indiana Court of Appeals addressed specific jurisdiction questions in a suit filed by sellers on the online auction site, eBay.

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Supreme Court orders third murder trial

State justices have overturned the murder convictions and ordered a third trial for a former state trooper accused of killing his wife and two young children in Southern Indiana almost a decade ago.

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COA: Insurers have no duty to defend Cinergy

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled today that the insurers of Cinergy, which was bought out by Duke Energy in 2006, have no duty to defend, indemnify, or otherwise provide coverage in connection with Cinergy's alleged liability for violations of the Clean Air Act at certain plants. The dispute over the insurers' obligations has been […]

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Good-faith exception not applicable

An Indiana trial court erred when it denied a defendant's motion to suppress evidence because the good-faith exception doesn't apply in this case, the Indiana Court of Appeals concluded today.

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Appellate court splits on liability of city

The Indiana Court of Appeals split today in deciding whether the city of South Bend should have known putting heavy machinery on an unstable sidewalk would create an unreasonable risk of harm to a brick restorer.

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COA: Man didn’t waive right to appeal sentence

Because the trial court may have made confusing remarks at a man’s guilty plea hearing indicating he “may” have waived the right to appeal, only to later inform him of his right to appeal, the Indiana Court of Appeals concluded the defendant hadn’t waived that right to appeal. The appellate court did affirm the defendant’s 30-year advisory sentence for dealing in cocaine, finding he failed to prove it was inappropriate. In Luis Ruiz Bonilla v. State of Indiana, No. 20A05-0902-CR-85, the…

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Snow closes some federal, county courts

The foot or more of snow dumped on the southern two-thirds of Indiana hasn't stopped some attorneys from making it to their offices today, but it has closed some courts around the state.

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Bank wrongfully refused to pay cashier’s check

In an issue of first impression as to what circumstances an issuing bank may refuse to pay a cashier's check, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled in the instant case the issuing bank wasn't entitled to stop payment on it later.

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Supreme Court grants 2 transfers

The Indiana Supreme Court granted two transfers this week to cases involving a negligence claim against a grocery store and subordinated judgment liens.

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Writ removes special prosecutor

The Indiana Supreme Court has ordered Delaware Circuit Court to vacate its order appointing J.A. Cummins as special prosecuting attorney and appoint someone else to serve in that capacity.

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Comment sought on magistrate reappointment

The United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana is seeking comments from bar members and the public as to whether Magistrate Judge Tim A. Baker should be reappointed to a new eight-year term.

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