
Divided ruling: Felony reduced to misdemeanor means longer expungement wait

The Indiana Court of Appeals on Friday asked the Indiana General Assembly for guidance as it sharply divided over whether minor felonies reduced to misdemeanor convictions should trigger new five-year waiting periods for people seeking to expunge their criminal records. The majority ruled they should, a result the dissenting judge called “unjust and ill-advised.”

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Ginsburg: Work on court ‘saved me’ during cancer treatment

United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Tuesday night that her work on the bench saved her during her cancer treatments, as the judge was given a rock-star reception in the home state of the president who nominated her to the nation’s highest court.

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Rush plans to further initiatives in second term

Ask the justices how they would describe the last five years at the Indiana Supreme Court, and they’ll tell you they’ve seen some changes. There’s been an internal reorganization, a major technology initiative and a national drug crisis to contend with, but they think their institution has successfully charted its path.

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7th Circuit reinstates Ford discriminatory hiring class-action

Ford Motor Co. and other defendants must face a class-action lawsuit alleging discriminatory hiring practices at a Chicago-area assembly plant. Plaintiffs convinced a federal appeals court to let proceed their claims that hiring practices at the plant could negatively impact Hispanic workers in northwestern Indiana and elsewhere hoping to land a job there.

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