Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana
DTCI: The science of opening statements
Elliott Pinkie and Bill Kanasky write about persuasion through the use of primary and recency effects.

Courting civility
The Indiana Trial Lawyers Association joined with the Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana to promote courtesy among adversaries. The two held a seminar on civility at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.
DTCI: Protection of drug and alcohol treatment records
Lawyers representing plaintiffs and defendants in civil tort actions will eventually be challenged with protecting their client’s alcohol and drug treatment records from disclosure.
DTCI: Opinion clarifies construction manager liability on job sites
In its recent opinion in the case of Hunt Construction Group, Inc. v. Garrett, No. 49S02-1106-CT-365 (Ind. 2012), the Indiana Supreme Court provided some needed clarity concerning liability of construction managers for injuries suffered by employees of contractors on a construction site.
DTCI: Take a moment to breathe before hitting ‘send’
Robert Thornburg writes about civility among the legal profession.
DTCI: To 4G or not to 4G, that is the question
Kori McOmber writes about the various apps one can use on the iPad to help with practicing law.
DTCI: Admission of subsequent remedial measures
A procedural or substantive concern in a strict liability action?
DTCI: DTCI and ITLA join forces to encourage civility
The Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana and the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association have joined to present a seminar on civility at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law on May 24 titled “Two Parties…One Oath – A Conversation on Civility.”
DTCI: Errata sheets and the deposition hallows
Certainly, a deposition can be a powerful tool. But what if the completed deposition transcript is delivered to the examining attorney along with an errata sheet that substantively alters material deposition responses?
DTCI: North Central Region Trial Academy
The Trial Academy is the only trial technique seminar in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin specifically designed for the defense lawyer.
DTCI: Disabilities by association
Nondisabled employees bringing claims following law changes in 2008.
DeGroote: The new social network – return to the bar
With more demands on my time, I find myself less involved in the state, local, and firm activities and social events. Apparently, I am not alone.
DTCI: Legal pitfalls and evidence considerations in health care provider apologies
Health care provider apologies in the face of adverse patient outcomes can have profound effects in the defense of subsequent patient litigation.
DTCI: Indiana Civil Litigation Review
The DTCI’s flagship publication, the Indiana Civil Litigation Review, will be distributed soon.
DTCI: Meet your 2012 Board of Directors
Read about the 2012 Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana board of directors.
18th Annual DTCI Conference & Meeting
The DTCI held its annual conference Nov. 17-18 at French Lick Resort. View photos from the event.
2011 update of DTCI amicus cases
Cases include wrongful death attorney fees and spoliation.
Standing up for the judiciary
The Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana plans to address attacks on courts and judges.