Incoming DTCI president sets priorities for new year
Civility and clarifying priorities are among Lonnie D. Johnson’s key initiatives for 2012.
Civility and clarifying priorities are among Lonnie D. Johnson’s key initiatives for 2012.
DTCI attorney Gregory Freyberger provides insights on differing litigation strategies.
An overview of the statutory rights of an employer/carrier to recover on such liens is often a good refresher as many attorneys tend to overlook this important aspect when seeking to settle their liability case.
Congratulations to DTCI member Susan E. Cline of Lewis Wagner in Indianapolis upon her being named the Indianapolis Best Lawyers Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Lawyer of the Year.
During its 2011 Annual Meeting Nov. 17-18 in French Lick, the DTCI will recognize the outstanding defense lawyers of 2011.
Does an insurer owe coverage, defense and indemnity for costs incurred by the policyholder before notice to the insurer?
A patient comes to the hospital and receives twice the amount of thrombolytics ordered by the cardiologist. The thrombolytics have a risk of causing hemorrhagic stroke. Two days later, the patient strokes and dies. The treating cardiologist is of the opinion that the stroke was caused by the excessive dose given to the patient. Does this seem like a “no brainer” on causation?
Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David is the featured speaker at the luncheon Nov. 18.
Andrew Palmison writes about Indiana’s treatment in a strict liability action.
On Aug. 10, 2011, the Indiana Court of Appeals issued an opinion that addressed for the first time the issue of whether a photograph of vehicle damage is relevant and admissible to assist a jury in determining the extent of bodily injury in a trial arising from a motor vehicle accident.
When asked about the areas of law in which I practice, I say, among others, business law and litigation. Inevitably I am greeted with a curious look and a cocked head similar to a dog that has just heard a strange noise.
DRI’s 16th Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 26 to 30 at the Marriott Wardman Park. DRI’s commitment to provide blockbuster speakers will reach an all-time high at this annual meeting.
The Defense Trial Counsel’s Annual Meeting will be held Nov. 17-18 at French Lick Resort. One of the highlights of the meeting is the presentation of the “Defense Lawyer of the Year,” the “Diplomat of the Indiana Defense Trial Counsel,” and the “Outstanding Young Lawyer” awards.
It is likely that most of you reading this article use some form of social media, whether it be for business or personal use.
DTCI member Misha Rabinowitch reflects on his mentor, Bill Wooden.
Communication is vital to maintaining ethical obligation, professionalism, and civility in client representation.
A medical device which “presents a potential unreasonable risk of illness or injury” that cannot be alleviated by alternate means such as proper labeling, prohibitions against adulteration, performance standards, or post-market surveillance falls within Class III under the Medical Device Amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
In the unfortunate event of a construction jobsite accident that results in bodily injury or, in the worst-case scenario, a fatality, the resulting claims and litigation can be extremely complex. Construction jobsite accident claims often play out as follows.