
DTCI: Contact Tracing in the Removal Context

When faced with a case involving unincorporated business entities, a defendant must carefully consider whether the requirements for diversity jurisdiction are satisfied before filing its notice of removal. Failure to do so could result an adverse award of attorney fees on a motion for remand, or the district court sua sponte remanding the case to state court upon discovery that it lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the action.

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DTCI: For better or worse, Zoom has changed the practice of law

For lawyers, COVID has forced us out of courtrooms, mediations, conferences and client visits. Videoconferencing software, usually Zoom, has stepped in to fill the void. Zoom is an imperfect substitute with plenty of drawbacks. However, after nearly a year litigating cases via Zoom, it has become an ingrained part of the practice of law. Even after COVID, Zoom is likely here to stay.

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DTCI: Constitutional Law and Private Health Care Providers

When the typical claim in health care against a private health care provider alleges medical malpractice, why would the provider be concerned about the constitutional rights of the patient and the patient’s family? Section 1983 claims provide a Constitution-based vehicle for patients and/or their families to bring claims alleging violations of constitutional rights.

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DTCI: Life lesson from a year in prison: Don’t take it personally

Nearly 30 years ago, between college and law school, I spent a year of my life in prison — working that is — as a correctional officer for the Indiana Department of Correction. While the work was anything but glamorous, I have always appreciated that experience, where I learned more than a couple of important lessons.

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DTCI: Risk assessment and hazard analysis: making products defendable

Manufacturers operating in an international market must be prepared to defend their products in any venue. Risk assessment and hazard analysis is a “prepackaged” tool the manufacturer can use in defending product liability lawsuits; it shows how the manufacturer considered and accounted for risk at every stage of the design process.

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DTCI: Looking forward to simple pleasures whenever we return to normal

As I write this article, my thoughts are focusing on the future and what I anticipate doing again when we return to normal — whatever that normal may be. Some who know me — and especially my wife — know that I am more of a “half-empty glass” than a “half-full glass” person. However, with an optimistic eye, I will look forward to what the future may be when we return to normal.

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DTCI: Flipping the Paradigm: Presenting Subsequent Remedial Measures as a Defense to Punitive Damage Claims against Motor Carriers

The legendary Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi, is credited with saying, “Hope is not a strategy.” The trucking industry and those who defend it need to move beyond merely hoping that the jury will be convinced that the plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden of proof on punitives. Recent verdict history shows that arguing that the conduct at issue “wasn’t that bad” often fails.

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DTCI: Working while sick? It’s different in the COVID-19 era

In the age of COVID-19, having a system that incentivizes employees to work while sick is not tenable. Most of the symptoms of COVID-19 overlap with the symptoms of illnesses such as strep throat, bronchitis, sinus infection and other viruses that are so common when the weather turns cold. As we well know, if an employee’s illness turns out to be COVID-19, working while sick could be a medical calamity or worse for a vulnerable coworker.

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DTCI: COVID-19 Immunity … But Not the Immunity You’re Thinking Of

Before the 2004 presidential election, very few people were discussing tort reform. However, George W. Bush made it a central aspect of his successful campaign for governor of Texas in 1995, and it remains part of the Republican Party platform. Tort reform in the manner of healthcare provider liability immunity has gained a new foothold due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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DTCI Annual Meeting — Virtual & Free

The DTCI Board of Directors voted to host the Annual Conference virtually this year at no charge to our members. Virtual section breakouts will be offered on different dates during the three weeks leading up to the main conference, which remains scheduled for November 19-20.

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