
Barr skips House hearing; Pelosi accuses him of lying

Attorney General William Barr skipped a House hearing Thursday on special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia report, escalating an already acrimonious battle between Democrats and President Donald Trump’s Justice Department. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Barr had already lied to Congress in other testimony and called that a “crime.”

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Rod Rosenstein submits letter of resignation to Trump

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein submitted his resignation Monday after a two-year run defined by his appointment of a special counsel to investigate connections between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. His last day will be May 11, ending a tumultuous relationship with Trump and a tenure that involved some of the most consequential, even chaotic, moments of the president’s administration.

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Trump forms battle plan for post-Mueller probes: Just say no

As House Democrats ramp up their post-Mueller investigations into President Donald Trump, his strategy for responding is simple: Resist on every legal front. The administration is straining to hold off congressional investigators, including their efforts to obtain the president’s tax returns, his business’ financial records and testimony from former senior aides.

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Celadon ordered to pay $42 million after admitting securities fraud

Indianapolis-based trucking company Celadon Group Inc. has agreed to pay $42.2 million in restitution to settle securities fraud charges announced Thursday by the U.S. Department of Justice. Under the settlement, the company acknowledged “filing materially false and misleading statements to investors and falsifying books, records and accounts,” federal prosecutors said.

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Trump’s threat to go to court over impeachment defies ruling

President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday he’ll go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court “if the partisan Dems” ever try to impeach him. But Trump’s strategy could run into a roadblock: the high court itself, which said in 1993 that the framers of the U.S. Constitution didn’t intend for the courts to have the power to review impeachment proceedings.

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Subpoena upcoming as Congress plunges into Mueller report

It’s now up to Congress to decide what to do with special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings about President Donald Trump. While Mueller declined to prosecute Trump on obstruction of justice, he did not exonerate him, all but leaving the question to Congress.

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Former counsel may have saved Trump from himself

Don McGahn was barely on speaking terms with President Donald Trump when he left the White House last fall. But special counsel Robert Mueller’s report reveals the president may owe his former top lawyer a debt of gratitude.

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Poll: Most aren’t exonerating Trump in Russia probe

Most Americans aren’t ready to clear President Donald Trump in the Russia investigation, with a new poll showing slightly more want Congress to keep investigating after a special counsel’s report left open the question of whether he broke the law. A redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report is expected to be released Thursday.

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WikiLeaks’ Assange faces US charge after London arrest

A bearded and shouting Julian Assange was pulled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and hauled into court Thursday, the start of an extradition battle for the WikiLeaks founder who faces U.S. charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents.

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AG Barr defends handling of Mueller’s Russia report

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday defended his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation, saying the confidential document contains sensitive grand jury material that prevented it from being immediately released to the public.

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Democrats to prepare subpoenas for full Mueller report

The House Judiciary Committee will prepare subpoenas this week seeking special counsel Robert Mueller’s full Russia report as the Justice Department appears likely to miss an April 2 deadline set by Democrats for the report’s release.

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Mueller report more than 300 pages; Dems demand full release

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia report is more than 300 pages long, it was revealed Thursday, sparking fresh criticism from Democrats arguing that Attorney General William Barr’s four-page summary was gravely inadequate and the full findings must be quickly released.

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Trump says investigation abused him, led to ‘evil things’

House Democrats pressed the Justice Department to provide the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller even as Republicans gleefully called for them to move on from the Russia investigation. President Donald Trump accused those responsible for launching Mueller’s probe of “treasonous things against our country” and said they “certainly will be looked into.”

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Mueller finds no Trump collusion, leaves obstruction open

Special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. That brought a hearty claim of vindication from Trump but set the stage for new rounds of political and legal fighting.

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Waiting for the final Mueller report and what happens next

America is waiting for special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. But anyone looking for a grand narrative on President Donald Trump, Russian election interference and all the juicy details uncovered over the past 22 months could end up disappointed.

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In 420-0 vote, House says Mueller report should be public

The United States House of Representatives voted unanimously Thursday for a resolution calling for any final report in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation to be made public, a symbolic action designed to pressure Attorney General William Barr into releasing as much information as possible when the probe is concluded.

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