
Bill would let Hoosiers refuse gay-wedding services

Legislation that supporters contend is needed to protect Indiana residents with strong religious beliefs by allowing them to refuse services for same-sex weddings is drawing fire from gay rights groups and others who say it would legalize discrimination.

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Jury awards Indiana teacher nearly $2M in firing over IVF

A federal jury awarded a former teacher nearly $2 million Friday after finding that a northern Indiana Roman Catholic diocese discriminated against her by firing her after church officials learned she was trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization.

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Jury rules for Indiana woman in firing over IVF

A federal jury ruled Friday that a northern Indiana Roman Catholic diocese discriminated against a former teacher in one of its schools by firing her after church officials learned she was trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization.

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SCOTUS rejects 3 Indiana cases

The Supreme Court of the United States on Monday declined to review a ruling that struck down Indianapolis’ limits on the hours that adult bookstores can operate.

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US Supreme Court takes up housing bias case

For the third time in recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider taking away a powerful legal tactic the Obama administration and others have used to combat housing discrimination.

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Fired DOC counselor’s sex-discrimination claim revived by 7th Circuit

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a former Department of Correction substance abuse counselor’s lawsuit alleging sex-discrimination and hostile work environment, finding she was treated differently as compared to the employee she had an affair with while working at a maximum-security prison.

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Janitor loses pro se complaint alleging discrimination

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals noted that it was a “close call” whether a man worked in a hostile work environment as a school temporary janitor, but judges found that he could not meet his legal burden to prove that he suffered severe or pervasive harassment based on his race.

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