
Prosecutions fizzle in ‘pill mill’ case but suits proceed

Physicians and staff who were arrested and charged after Indiana and federal law enforcement officials claimed their medical practice was a pill mill are headed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals as they push forward with a civil lawsuit claiming their prosecution was built on allegations the government knew were false.

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Medically induced disputes causing some heartburn

While the debate rages over the safety of immunizations, family law attorneys in Indiana say that issue is rarely a source of discord between divorced, separated or unmarried parents. However, arguments over medications and doctor’s appointments happen frequently, such as claims that a former spouse goes to the doctor every time the child has a sniffle or others asserting their child should have been taken to an urgent care center instead of the emergency room.

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Kiefer & Gaerte: Defending addicted doctors has hidden consequences

The opioid crisis plaguing the U.S. affects people in all walks of life, including doctors. A significant number of physicians suffer from chronic pain and use opioids to cope and to allow them to continue to practice medicine. Lawyers representing these doctors must be aware of the myriad ramifications and consequences of addiction for licensed physicians.

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Justices uphold $1.3 million judgment for crash victim

A divided Indiana Supreme Court has affirmed an award of $1.3 million to a woman suffering long-lasting injuries resulting from car wreck. The majority held that evidence of a medical expert witness’s professional license status and reasons for his professional discipline may be admissible to challenge his credibility.

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Report: Indiana opioid prescriptions fell by 35% since 2013

A national report says opioid prescriptions in Indiana have decreased by 35.1 percent over five years. The American Medical Association Opioid Task Force 2019 Progress Report shows Indiana’s reduction in opioid prescriptions from 2013 to 2018 is two percentage points higher than the national average of 33 percent.

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Appeals panel upholds Muncie doctor’s convictions

The Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed the forgery and prescription-related offenses for a Muncie doctor alleged to have overprescribed pain medication to patients by using his nurse practitioners’ names to sign the orders.

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