
Trump urged by some to go on the attack against Mueller

Even as President Donald Trump’s advisers encourage him to accept the realities of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, longtime friends and allies are pushing Trump to fight back, citing concerns that his lawyers are naive to the existential threat facing the president.

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Travel ban lawsuits filed by legal center, Muslim advocates

A coalition of Muslim and Iranian-American advocates and a nonpartisan legal institute filed the first lawsuits against the Trump administration's new travel restrictions for citizens of eight countries, including Iran, that were announced late last month.

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Immigration attorneys weigh varying options for DACA clients

As the country waits to learn what, if any, legislative deal might be struck in order to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind it, immigration law attorneys say they are looking for ways to advise their clients on how to plan for their futures.

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Trump rescinding DACA program protecting young immigrants

President Donald Trump’s administration will “wind down” a program protecting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared Tuesday, calling the Obama administration’s program “an unconstitutional exercise of authority.”

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Critics: Trump pardon his latest affront against judiciary

President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio shows a lack of regard for an independent judiciary, say critics who note Trump's past criticism of federal judges, including the chief justice of the United States. Supporters counter that the veteran law enforcement officer deserved America's gratitude, "not the injustice of a political witch hunt."

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Trump to speed up public-works permits, drop climate order

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that’s designed to streamline the approval process for building roads, bridges and other infrastructure by establishing “one federal decision’’ for major projects and setting an average two-year goal for permitting.

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Trump speaks on Charlottesville: ‘Racism is evil’

Under pressure all weekend, President Donald Trump on Monday named and condemned hate groups as "repugnant" and declared "racism is evil" in an updated, more forceful statement on the deadly, race-fueled clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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Pressure mounts on Trump to address Virginia clash

President Donald Trump is facing pressure from both sides of the aisle for him to explicitly condemn white supremacists and hate groups involved in deadly, race-fueled clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that a white supremacist who rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters represented domestic terrorism.

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