
Smith: Written advocacy in the electronic age: Do’s and don’ts

Embracing the recent advances in technology, every court in Indiana is now part of the Indiana Electronic Filing System. This means almost every judge in this state — from small claims to the Supreme Court — now reads some part of your written work product on an iPad, laptop, smartphone or computer screen. Many attorneys, however, still have not changed their writing styles and practices to reflect this, and they are missing significant advocacy opportunities as a result.

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Courts not seeking more funds in 2021

Given the economic toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on Indiana’s budget, the Indiana Supreme Court is not requesting additional funding in the next biennial budget that will be drafted during the 2021 Legislative session. Instead, the court is asking the General Assembly to keep funding steady and has reverted funds to the state through pandemic-related savings.

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Supreme Court amends trial procedure rules 

Amendments have been made to Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure regarding child paternity cases, as well as e-filing processes and procedures for filing probate and guardianship cases, according to an order from the Indiana Supreme Court.

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Statehouse rotunda appellate filing drop box available again

The Indiana Statehouse rotunda filing drop box is once again accessible for appellate case filings as public access to the Statehouse has been reinstated, the Indiana Supreme Court and Indiana Court of Appeals have announced. As such, appropriate in-person filing at the clerk’s office is once again permitted.

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New and improved PACER system unveiled

The electronic PACER federal court records system is sporting a new look and improved functions as part of its first major upgrade in a decade. New features are touted as enabling users to more easily navigate the system, more quickly find what they are seeking, and get better access on their mobile devices. The upgrade also is designed to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

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PACER user group ready to begin work in February

Twelve individuals with backgrounds in the law, media, government and academia have been selected for the new PACER User Group, which will offer input and advice for improving the federal courts’ electronic docket system as well as other electronic public access services provided by the judicial branch.

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Bradford elected COA chief judge, succeeding Vaidik

The judges of the Indiana Court of Appeals have elected Judge Cale Bradford to serve for the next three years as the lower appellate court’s chief judge. He succeeds Judge Nancy Vaidik, whose term as chief expired last month. Bradford, whose term began  Jan. 1., has served on the Court of Appeals for nearly 13 years.

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