
7th Circuit enjoins limits on ‘super’ PAC contributions

A prominent Terre Haute attorney known for his work challenging campaign finance laws and regulations scored another legal victory after the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals enjoined state limits on contributions to what’s known as “super” political action committees.

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Court issues judgment in absentee ballot case

The Marion Circuit Court has outlined the required procedures for dealing with the county's absentee ballots following a suit that accused the Marion County Election Board of not following statute.

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Court consolidates Lake County voter cases

The Indiana Supreme Court has stepped in to settle conflicting rulings from two Lake County courts regarding early-voting sites in East Chicago, Gary, and Hammond, deciding that consolidating the cases to proceed in Lake Superior Court is the "most orderly approach."

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Courts leave election law questions unanswered

In the days leading up to an Election Day where thousands of Hoosier voters had already cast ballots before polls even opened, Indiana's appellate judges issued a pair of election law rulings that leave more questions than answers and will likely lead to further review.

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COA: Keep early-voting sites open

The Indiana Court of Appeals upheld a special judge's ruling to keep early-voting sites open in Lake County, holding that even if election law was violated in establishing the sites, public interest in having the sites would keep them open.

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Appeals filed in challenged mail-in ballot ruling

The plaintiffs in a Marion County suit involving how challenged mail-in absentee ballots are counted have filed a verified appellate Rule 56(a) motion for the Indiana Supreme Court to accept jurisdiction over their appeal.

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COA voids Terre Haute’s 2007 mayoral election

The man elected Terre Haute's mayor was ineligible because of federal law to become a candidate or assume office, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled today on an issue of first impression. As a result, a special election is needed to fill the vacancy.

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Justices tap special judge in Lake County case

The Indiana Supreme Court has appointed Lake Superior Judge Diane Kavadias Schneider, Civil Division 1, as a special judge in the consolidated Lake County cases involving the operations of early-voting sites in East Chicago, Gary, and Hammond, according to Kathryn Dolan, Indiana Supreme Court spokesperson.

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High court asked to intervene in recount

The Indiana Supreme Court is being asked to toss out a trial judge’s order for a Terre Haute mayoral race recount because the petitioner failed to include the winner’s middle initial.Attorney James Bopp Jr. with Terre Haute law firm Bopp Coleson & Bostrom filed an emergency request Thursday afternoon for the justices to intervene in the recount challenge, contending that Vigo Circuit Judge David Bolk didn’t have jurisdiction to order a recount from the Nov. 6 election. Democratic Mayor Kevin Burke…

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