EPA to update Hammond, Whiting residents on toxic cleanup
Residents of two northwestern Indiana cities are getting an update on efforts to clean up heavy metals near a former industrial smelter.
Residents of two northwestern Indiana cities are getting an update on efforts to clean up heavy metals near a former industrial smelter.
Environmental groups are urging northwest Indiana residents to comment on a proposed federal settlement over a U.S. Steel plant’s discharging of a hazardous chemical that entered a Lake Michigan tributary in Portage.
The Environmental Protection Agency has discovered more lead contamination in northwestern Indiana. Soil samples collected since October have revealed more than two dozen contaminated yards in Hammond and Whiting, the Chicago Tribune reported.
EPA officials say excavating the remaining lead and arsenic contamination near a federal Superfund site in northwestern Indiana could take another three years.
Demolition has begun at a northwest Indiana public housing complex contaminated with arsenic and lead. Demolition of East Chicago's West Calumet Housing Complex will remove all buildings, foundations, streets and sidewalks, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
.S. Steel will pay a $600,000 civil penalty and $630,000 to reimburse various federal agencies for costs and damages after one of its plants discharged wastewater containing a potentially carcinogenic chemical into a tributary of Lake Michigan, federal and state officials said Monday.
Marathon Petroleum Corp. has agreed to pay $335,000 for a 2016 spill where nearly 36,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into the Wabash River near the Indiana-Illinois border. The settlement came as about 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel spilled last week into Big Creek in Posey County.
The consent decree reached between the state of Indiana, the federal government and the metallurgical coke manufacturers in East Chicago is 69 pages of terms and conditions detailed in dense legal and scientific language.
Cokenergy, SunCoke Energy and its subsidiary Indiana Harbor Coke Co. have reached a settlement including $5 million in penalties with the state and federal governments to clean up operations in East Chicago, resolving a case that involved hundreds of violations of federal pollution standards.
Two Statehouse Democrats from northwest Indiana know the cleanup of the contamination site in East Chicago will not only take years but also a steady state commitment. Their legislation — and affected residents’ federal court cases — aim to keep the issue in the spotlight.
With the administration of President Donald Trump rolling back federal environmental regulations, two former EPA officials who served in the Obama administration will present a lecture next week titled “Reversing an Environmental Agenda: Will It Stick?”
Officials of a northern Indiana city have condemned U.S. Steel’s silence over an October spill of a potentially carcinogenic chemical into a Lake Michigan tributary.
Thirty-eight homeowners in East Chicago have filed a lawsuit claiming the lead and arsenic contamination caused by former manufacturing operations near their neighborhood have decreased the value of their homes and inflicted emotional distress.
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that he will sign a new rule overriding the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era effort to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Maryland is suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to act on a petition requiring power plants in five upwind states to reduce pollution, the state's attorney general and an official in Gov. Larry Hogan's administration said Wednesday.
South Bend residents who live near a former hazardous waste dump want federal officials to expand their planned soil testing around homes in the northern Indiana city.
Several states are seeking to join a legal challenge to a Trump administration decision to keep a widely used pesticide sold by Indianapolis-based Dow AgroSciences on the market, despite studies showing it can harm children's brains.
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency toured an Indiana public-housing complex on Wednesday where roughly 1,000 people were ordered evacuated because of lead contamination, his first visit to a Superfund site that some environmental advocates called a major leadership test.
A coalition of community and environmental groups and law clinics has petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to act immediately to protect East Chicago residents from lead in their drinking water.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Friday won Senate confirmation to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a federal agency he repeatedly sued to rein in its reach during the Obama administration.