The men behind the law school names
Mickey Maurer and Bob McKinney have provided financial support and guidance to the Indiana University law schools with the hope their alma maters continue to achieve new milestones.
Mickey Maurer and Bob McKinney have provided financial support and guidance to the Indiana University law schools with the hope their alma maters continue to achieve new milestones.
Local scholars, lawyers and religious practitioners will debate and discuss the role of sharia – Islamic law and ethics – in American life at a symposium organized by the newly established Center for Interfaith Cooperation and the School of Liberal Arts at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
Since stepping down from the Indiana Supreme Court in March, former Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard has been busy attending college graduations. On Friday, he will visit his fourth school, New England Law – Boston, and deliver the commencement speech.
The Indiana Lawyer congratulates the individuals listed below on passing the February 2012 bar exam. Many of these young and aspiring lawyers, along with several who passed the bar exam in July 2011, participated in the Indiana Supreme Court Admission Ceremony held May 14, 2012, in Indianapolis.
With a handful of exceptions, rarely do new law graduates waltz into a general counsel job. Making careful decisions now, however, could create an opportunity to move from a law firm to a corporate law position.
Former Indiana Chief Justice Randall Shepard’s commitment to diversity will continue thanks to a permanent fund that aims to expand on his pioneering efforts to make the legal profession more reflective of society at large.
After a month of collecting used business wear, the New Lawyer Committee of the St. Joseph County Bar Association has more than 1,000 suits, shirts, shoes and other items to donate to Goodwill.
The Environmental Law Institute has named an Indiana University scientist and faculty member the winner of the 2012 National Wetlands Award for Science Research.
Fans raved about the "hologram" Tupac Shakur's performance at Coachella. For intellectual property lawyers, Tupac’s virtual return to the stage raises some interesting questions.
Relaxed admission requirements by states could remove barriers to employment for lawyers who must move when spouse relocates.
A team of students from Munster High School took fifth place among 56 teams in the We the People National Finals in Washington, D.C., April 27 through May 1.
Lawyers and law firms participating in this year’s March Against Hunger raised the equivalent of 135 tons of food, a record amount for the competition that’s in its fourth year.
Susan Rivas enjoys the sound of cars zipping around the track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Her office window overlooks the back of the grandstand, about 100 feet away, where workers are busy readying the stands for thousands of visitors.
An Indianapolis attorney wins his division at the Indiana Golden Gloves.
The Indiana Supreme Court, the International Association of Defense Counsel and the Indiana Bar Foundation are collaborating to present a workshop for Indiana teachers April 13.
The Chuck Klein Lawyers Softball League will kick off its 2012 season with a mandatory managers meeting at 6:30 p.m. May 3 at Kuntz Soccer Complex, 1502 W. 16th St., Indianapolis.
Representatives from Parr Richey Obremskey Frandsen & Patterson will present the second annual “PedalPalooza” event on April 28 to raise awareness about the importance of bicycle safety for children.
Indiana programs like mock trial and yVote! educate youth on the courts and government.
Those who travel long distances for work say time management is critical.
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Indianapolis Lawyers Division Chapter, will host a lunchtime speaker at noon March 29 at the Conrad Indianapolis, Hong Kong Room, 50 W. Washington St.