
Impeachment inquiry focuses on 2 White House lawyers

The House impeachment inquiry is zeroing in on two White House lawyers privy to a discussion about moving a memo recounting President Donald Trump’s phone call with the leader of Ukraine into a highly restricted computer system normally reserved for documents about covert action.


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Prosecutions fizzle in ‘pill mill’ case but suits proceed

Physicians and staff who were arrested and charged after Indiana and federal law enforcement officials claimed their medical practice was a pill mill are headed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals as they push forward with a civil lawsuit claiming their prosecution was built on allegations the government knew were false.

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Florida men tied to Giuliani arrested on campaign charges

Two businessmen tied to efforts by President Donald Trump’s lawyer to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son were charged Thursday with campaign finance violations in the U.S. The charges relate to a $325,000 donation to a political action committee supporting Trump’s re-election.

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Kuzma appointed to Legal Services Corp. board

A former Indiana assistant attorney general who founded a major Indianapolis-based legal aid organization has been appointed to the national board that oversees federal funding for civil legal aid service providers across the United States.

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