
Law doesn’t infringe on free speech

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled June 24 on the case of Doe v. Reed, No. 09-559, in which Terre Haute
attorney James Bopp Jr. was the lead attorney on the case that pitted free speech versus public disclosure of ballot petition

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Indiana lawyer loses SCOTUS case

A Terre Haute attorney has lost a free speech case before the Supreme Court of the United States, striking a blow to what
he calls an ongoing campaign to eliminate campaign finance reform.

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Indiana attorney set for SCOTUS Wednesday

A Terre Haute attorney is making his sixth argument before the nation's highest court Wednesday, but his first before the newest justice. This time he's there on a case that could ultimately change campaign-finance disclosure rules nationally.

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Federal judge OKs state’s judicial canons

A federal judge says the Indiana Supreme Court can regulate judicial speech through its cannons, and has ruled the existing rules do not violate a judge or judicial candidate's constitutional free speech or association rights.

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Court: Church program at school should end

A church-owned religious education program held on school grounds in Huntington County should be terminated because it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, a federal magistrate has ruled.

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