
Marion County Bar Association opposes judicial selection bill

Lawmakers are working to craft an 11th-hour agreement on how judges should be chosen in Marion County after they were unable to reach a compromise Monday. Meanwhile, Indianapolis’ historically black bar association called for direct election of judges instead of a proposed merit-selection system.

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‘No more stringent’ restrained

Manufacturers, agriculture and other big Hoosier industries pegged House Bill 1082 at the top of their legislative agenda this year. So did about 20 environmental, health and public-interest groups that opposed the measure barring Indiana from adopting environmental regulations tougher than federal standards.

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Indiana and other states choking on EPA’s new Clean Power Plan

The Clean Power Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gases by imposing caps on states regarding carbon dioxide emissions, has incited a backlash that began before the rule was even published in the Federal Register. A coalition of states, including Indiana, is seeking review of the plan in federal court, claiming the rule exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency’s statutory authority.

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Park Tudor scandal reignites debate about lawyers reporting child abuse

Charges that former Park Tudor basketball coach and teacher Kyle Cox attempted to coerce and entice a 15-year-old student into a sexual relationship — and an attorney’s alleged actions after learning of the accusations — have refocused attention on a 2015 advisory ethics opinion that largely exempts lawyers from a law that requires reporting suspected child abuse.

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Apple supporters weigh in, from big tech to a terror victim

Apple Inc. drew support for its fight with the government over a terrorist’s iPhone from digital-rights groups, a United Nations official and even a man whose wife nearly died in the terror attack, as a deadline approached to weigh in on the historic privacy battle.

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JPMorgan Chase agrees to $905,000 settlement with state

JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay $905,000 in a settlement with Indiana officials over losses from mortgage-backed securities purchased in 2006, just before the controversial investment vehicle contributed to a national financial meltdown.

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March Against Hunger competition kicks off

The Indiana State Bar Association is hosting its eighth annual March Against Hunger food drive competition beginning Tuesday and lasting through March 31. The drive raises food and monetary donations for Indiana’s 11 regional food banks.

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Senate approves police video bill

Indiana law enforcement would be forced to publicly release body-camera video if the recordings might show officers using excessive force or violating someone's civil rights under a measure approved by the state Senate.

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