
Indianapolis attorney ordered back to Guantanamo Bay

Indianapolis attorney Richard Kammen, the lead defense attorney who represented the accused mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole, is being ordered to return to Guantanamo Bay after he and his co-counsel withdrew from the case over ethical concerns.

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IBF: Hoosier community involvement high, voter turnout low

Across Indiana, Hoosiers are committed to community involvement, with 40.2 percent of all Indiana residents belonging to at least one community organization, such as a church or neighborhood group. But while 61.4 percent of Americans voted in 2016, only 58.3 percent of Hoosiers did.

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Zoeller plans government mediation practice for Indianapolis firm

Former Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller has been a lifelong advocate of mediation and alternative dispute resolutions, building his career around the notion that many disputes can be resolved short of trial. So when Zoeller left the attorney general’s office, it made sense for him to continue his advocacy for mediation and ADR work in the private sector.

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Summary judgment to railroad company on citations complaint reversed

A Virginia-based rail company must face the state of Indiana in court in a conflict over whether state-issued citations for blocking grade crossings were proper after the Indiana Court of Appeals determined Tuesday that federal law does not preempt state law governing how long a train can block a crossing.

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Trump urged by some to go on the attack against Mueller

Even as President Donald Trump’s advisers encourage him to accept the realities of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, longtime friends and allies are pushing Trump to fight back, citing concerns that his lawyers are naive to the existential threat facing the president.

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