

Updated law provides more protection for abandoned medical records

Indiana already had a statute covering abandoned medical records, but Senate Enrolled Act 549, which sailed through the Statehouse during the 2017 session, updated the law. The new provisions expanded the definition of “abandoned,” added language requiring database owners to safeguard the medical information stored in their systems, and gave the Indiana Attorney General the power to recover the costs of protecting the discarded health records.

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Indiana joins amicus brief defending Congressional Review Act

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill has added his name to a list of 14 state attorneys general voicing their support for the Congressional Review Act, saying the act protects the sovereignty of the states and provides them with a mechanism for relief from federal agency overreach.

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Indiana will likely go to court over online sales tax

Indiana lawmakers passed a law this spring claiming the state has a right to collect sales taxes from companies using only online transactions. But a 25-year-old U.S. Supreme Court case prohibits states from collecting sales tax from businesses unless they've got a physical presence in the state.

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Trump commission on voting fraud asks states for voter data

President Donald Trump's commission investigating alleged voter fraud in the 2016 elections has asked states for a list of the names, party affiliations, addresses and voting histories of all voters, if state law allows it to be public. Indiana and several other states have said they won't give data to the panel.

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Citizens Action Coalition sues for state records on Carrier deal

A complaint filed Friday in Marion County by Citizens Action Coalition alleges that the governor’s office has violated the Indiana Access to Public Records Act by not providing the grass-roots consumer group documents it wants about Vice President and former Gov. Mike Pence’s communications involving Carrier Corp. and United Technologies.

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Hamilton County Jail adds re-entry, jobs program

The jail’s five-week Transitioning Opportunities for Work, Education, and Reality program, known as TOWER, began in April as a partnership with a state WorkOne Center to provide resources for soon-to-be-released inmates. The goal is to reduce the rate of inmates’ returning to the county jail.

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New laws for 2017

Indiana’s legislators passed more than250 new laws on topics including e-liquid reform, inheritance tax repeals, and overhaul of uniform business organization laws.

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