
DNA-collection bills to be introduced in 2017 Legislature

After introducing DNA-collection legislation that failed to even get a committee hearing in the two previous General Assembly sessions, Rep. B. Patrick Bauer will be getting boost in the upcoming session from a Republican Senator offering a companion bill in the upper chamber.

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Cybersecurity experts: Risk of electronic voter fraud slim but real

With the fear of voter fraud through traditional and electronic methods spreading this election season, cybersecurity experts are telling voters that the risk of their personal information being stolen and used to manipulate the outcome of the election is small, but not nonexistent.

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Janet Reno, former US attorney general, dies at 78

Shy and admittedly awkward, Janet Reno became a blunt-spoken prosecutor and the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general, yet she also was the epicenter of a relentless series of political storms, from the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, to the seizure of 5-year-old Cuban immigrant Elian Gonzalez. She died early Monday at 78.

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2 former Christie allies convicted in lane-closing scheme

Two former aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were convicted Friday of creating an epic traffic jam at the George Washington Bridge for what prosecutors say was political revenge, capping a trial that cast doubt on Christie’s claims he knew nothing about the scheme.

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Trump-Pence campaign aide stays on Indiana payroll

A key aide to Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee, Gov. Mike Pence, continues to earn $23,000 a month as Indiana's sole Washington lobbyist even as he has taken a paid position with the Republican presidential campaign and regularly travels with Pence to political rallies across the country during working hours.

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ISP officer loses whistleblower appeal

State workers alleging retaliation for whistleblower activities must first exhaust all administrative remedies before suing, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Wednesday, affirming a trial court ruling against a 27-year Indiana State Police officer.

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If Clinton wins, more in GOP say no to 9 on Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has existed with its full complement of nine justices for close to 150 years, no matter who occupied the White House. Now some Republican lawmakers suggest they would be fine with just eight for four years more rather than have Hillary Clinton fill the vacancy.

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